xZist - Gaming vs #exiliCa (2933 views)

gb Artstar
gb keando
cg spltH
de manhun7
de terrAy
de w4nna/tess
for exilica fans/cheatbusters, spec tessaiga aka w4nna
13.12.09 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 3on3 Fall League 09
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Artstar (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 1669
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de Ana's ETTV #4
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 4


oh no shhh, he's clean ask ESL really. only busted 4 times. clean now though.
current esl admins don't care at all :-(
its a shame you left but i can see why
indeed :|
gl w4nna m8 :))))))))))))))
gl xzist :) pwn those nerdish hackerz
wb tess
why wb?:o he's been unbanned for 3 months !:)
splth's gonna carry.
gl splith, my pro jaymoder <333
You have € 250 on exiliCa
Possible win: € 510

server crashed, they're cheating, blabla usual shit.

gg 1-0 exilica
lol sorry ArtstAr but you got owned very hard by good teamplay.
sorry but i watched THIS MATCH and you lost (very fair)......... and this: "for exilica fans/cheatbusters, spec tessaiga aka w4nna" is low .... thats only low. sorry you only whining
very fair? what is their nade acc? like 100%? please fuck off random german, go suck some busted cheater dick somewhere else. I don't whine when someone ain't cheating, this guy is busted like 7 times so please get a brain.
Look at your childish spelling... typical whiner behaviour. He isn't ban anymore and i didn't saw any conspicuously in this match. You insist on ETTV and now you undiscerning agonized.
cheaters in esl , can't be
You have € 500 on de exiliCa
You won € 1025

I didn't cancel it mofo's, but still fuck you : ddd
i am seeing a really surprised look on your face
more like amusement to see that known private botters are still allowed to play.
but well, would be the same on clanbase, getting unbanned after 6 months or something and free to play again
banned for 3 months, unbanned, banned for 12 months and allowed to play again.

private botters holding ESL & CB by the balls, funny.
rofl why is this up ?
what the fuck x
gl everyone