One4One vs cdap - pi (12969 views)

it DaNoNe
be Kevin
fi Iron
gb Sheep
fi Squall
ch vegi
nl aeq
hu fobje
nl kris
nl perfo
de snoop
mt toxic
09.11.06 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET-Cup
Manager: NxM (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Supply
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 439


close one
gone be a nice match :)
gl 141 go kevin :D
whoa, n1 match
gl cdap
rofl, cheaters apocalypse
danone and vegi vs me :(
omfg perfo u have to go out and buy new headset so u can ear me behind the bank!!!!
u forgot squall
no, i killed him yesterday irl.
imo u should buy best headset 4 lan
headset... i think a wh is cheaper than a sennheiser... perfo ask money from ur parents...
ps perfo, in case you didn't notice yet: EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT THE WALLHACK :)
okee sybren1000, thx 4 the info
no u didnt :<
np honey ;-)
What is the line-up of 141
cdap - pi will own 141 ;p
be Kevin hax, i know coz he told me :(
u forgot squall yes rofl
cdap imo
141 ownage :>
ajj n1 match imo pi

GL squall !
first of all we need more ETTv-slots, besides this the ET-Cup wishes both Teams gL, it`s teh finaaaaal : DDD
Hmm im think 141 will win but im supporting CDAP - pi

<3 kris

More ETTv-Slots will be nice .. !! also the match will be great
gl DaNoNiNoOoOo <3 <3 Squaliiiiiiii

gl guys
gl kevin <3
141 ftw :P
Your bet: 250€ on 141 Possible Win: 860 € (+610 €)

I think, much think, cdap wins, cause they won against idle. But I think, it's still a lot of power in 141!
one4one 3.44 vs 1.41 cdap - pi Total pot: 5223 €

nice odds cdap :(
perfo is gewoon sneller dan het licht gl cdap
gl cdap
cdap can beat idle, so 141 won't be a problem!
6on6 != 5on5
correct. There's actually no difference between 5on5 and 6on6. We still keep losing!
not true...
you're not in my team, so stay out off this. Or did we actually win a 5on5/6on6 from you? (not that I can remember... )
thats a rly hard bet... i will think twice :S
easy for cdap - pi
one4one 3.14 vs 1.47 cdap - pi

nice odds 141 :(
rofl :D
Sheep / Kevin / Squall / Iron / vegi / DaNoNe
/ gb / / be / / fi / / fi / / ch / / it /
gl Sheepie...dont loose coz i will bet on ur smooth fleece
141 please win this time! =)
THURSDAY VS 141 : aeq fob tox kris snoop perfo ftr Logic

hmm, everyone wants to play this match seems so.

most probably the lineup will be

nl aeq
hu phobeus
nl kris
de snoop
mt tox
nl perfo
gl perfo
Go, go Mashed & Sinuss! :)

btw. Our new shoutcast-team on PGA.ET? ;-)
cdap > 141
why does 141 have a german flag with not a single german in the lineup? :S
gl 4 141
gl 141
easy 4 cdap-pi
Hmm really dont know who to bet on gonna be tough! I think that cdap are gonna win this but ill bet 141 cause of my love for Kevin

sQuall pwn some :D
gl both teams
141 110% sure
who will win? Who I bet on?! TELL ME! :D
perfo and fobje will make it, cdap pi > 141
i'm unsure since cdap - pi lost yesterday.... :/
easy for cdap imo
no shoutcast?
gj stewie
what happened to the shoutcasts? there were two like an hour ago?
Sorry guys, I went to visit The Hague, and I had 1 hour train delay on the ride home, so I couldnt make it intime:< Right now im gonna test my inet potential, so next week all should be fine:D
Who won? =O
LoL ^_^
1 Fking second in Frostbite :/ omgomgomgomg.
make that 0.0001 :(
LoL 141 gays :D

best final ever? :P
gj screen :(

damn luck on frostbite but gg on grush cdap.
wp 141 2!
my money ;(
oh noes!!!!!!!
too bad screenshot counts for victory... :'( :'(
fucking exciting match hey... wp 141 u were rly nice and strong opponent
same for you but
we are pissed at the console :D
ye i can understand it :< always annoying if there are such close situations
yeh lol cdap lucked frostbite but graz anyway ^^
very nice and tight game! wp
best match guys wp
grats! .-.
wp guys, lucky that screens are on your side >:D
?? why's that
because in console 141 wins an at the screen cdap wins

it was like 0.00001 second when cdap secured the obj :D very lucky
gg guys best game ever :)
wtf @ frostbite? fastes jumper ever, 3 seconds and he was @ transmittor from the outside.. "ok"
it was you aeq? nice jumping skills really :P
cheater! :D
Streamed this game as a Classic Game match up, replay is now on youtube: