turbot vs Mindhunterz #quaco (6612 views)

fi vokki
fi S-W-A-N-I-D-I-U
fi kolibri
fi OldenSan
fi HardyRah
fi Juuti
de BloOdy
si Aniq3
pl Elviss
se znArk
fr evL
20.12.09 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Swanidius (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 20854
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de Ana's ETTV #2
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
fi ETTV @ RmsGaming 1
By: Pamppa (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 4


izi 4 mindh
Gl Ani nerd
BloOdy (nice skill)
Aniq3 (low+ max)
Elviss (nice skill)
znArk (nice skill)
evL (nice skill
ja toi aussi t'as ris? LOL.
ayiers busted cheater by me, u sad panda?
BloOdy (peniZ)
Aniq3 (jude)
Elviss (jude)
znArk (dummer sklavel)
evL (jude)l
Aniq3 is highskilled
at least i aint scared to play against high teams like u
scared? what the fuck are you talking about
think and then talk.
how can you prove that im scared to search high?
gnajda had nice skill too !
lul^^ :DDDDD
bloody (who?)
aniq3 (nice guy)
elviss (nice guy)
znark (nice guy)
evl (who?)
deBloOdy, played for sIN and was going inactive until today, he is also a nice guy :)
why did he were inactive meNtal?
and busted right? Or I am wrong:x
bloody is busted ffs
gl vokki, oldensan, hardyrah and pro NAZI medic Znark
GL Ani <3
znark you are is my idol!
znark ! GL!
Elvissss !!!
gl Aniq3 =]
gl EvL :DD
viel glück huhr znark :o)
gl both
gl znArk und bloody
gl znark & evl ;)
hf vokki
gl hardy
gl Elviss & Swani
bloody=no hax just skill
gl both
+++no slarto no win
GL ani
gl aniq :D
gl bloody, sup with tites?
mindh gonna pwn .,
I watch this at ettv :)
Btw why musashii isnt playing?
I'm playing instead
Musashii is the manager of the multi, not in our lu ;)
gl quaco!!

gl znark and blöödy!!
gl swan
i got a feeling that mindhunters will play good..dno why
You have € 1400 on turbot
Possible win: € 1722
nice to know that we got offi höhö..... gl & hf You have € 300 on eu Mindh. Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1410
Gl couzin ;)
just owned znArk in a random war with a mix team np for turbot
serious games are serious...yes you did! ":D"
elvissy lou
GL aniq3 !
gl swani ;)
hf Elvisoza :D
no luis no win :(
no tp no win u wanna say !
gg wp