pwn-team vs (3765 views)
29.01.06 18:00 CET
Status: | Finished | Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | Enemy Territory | |
Rating: | ||
League: | CB ET OpenCup 3v3 Fall 2005 | |
Hosting: | ||
Manager: | Adacore (Leagueadmin) | |
Maps: | Not announced |
Broadcasted by
Enemy Territory TV | |||| PsB-Stream Matchserver By: *Rhoenator* (ettvd) | |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown
Viewer Peak: unknown
Thursday, 26th January 2006 05:31
dunno if idle pwns with 3on3|:s
manki conna puun u!
btv razz asd snoop gona own ya all!(l)(l)(l)(l)(l)
btv razz asd snoop gona own ya all!(l)(l)(l)(l)(l)
pwn 5-3 idle!
idle, but are there any broadcasters confirmed??(l)(l)(l) wtf?
who?s snoop? :|
razz (l)|:-|
need more slotz...50 is a bullshit, at least 200 would be good:D
pwn team flag = EST not EU :/
gl pwn
idle will take :) night owns hard...
by the way i tryed to see the game yesterday and when i connacted its just made waiting 1 2 3..... its shit :< how can i watch the games maybe wrong time? what time is it for?
by the way i tryed to see the game yesterday and when i connacted its just made waiting 1 2 3..... its shit :< how can i watch the games maybe wrong time? what time is it for?
gl pwn and idle, both my homecountry clans:P(l)
PWN-TEAM !!! 111 :|
idle (l)
pwn ftw! :D
go go8)
#pwn-team for support (l)
When do they open the ETTV server
someone help, i cant connect to the ettv server :(
someone help, i cant connect to the ettv server :(
they havent start yet...
idle |:-|
server is down? :o:o