erAse #DevineGaming vs sWat (2886 views)

nl esSe
nl Apoc
gb Nips
no Hexagon
at DonMatthias
fi dTEC7
pl BossHK
pl dnl
pl lamekk
pl Syriusz
pl winq
pl Rafacz
pl sw1ruz
20.12.09 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Rayzed? (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 7401
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #2
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #3
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 2


swat will deliver
gl Nipsie, esse, bossyboi 'n' ditekti<33
nips will rape
toNi will rape for bebF. gl erase
don't steal our star u belgian boobie :(
gl sWat by Leagueadmin, pls. I dont like that autofill system :<

"Recieved 15.12 13:47
Subject :O
Message Hi man, aren't you from Poland? o.O"
Hi man, aren't you from Poland? o.O"
Mä sen kyllä laitoin :DDD Emt miten toi leagueadmini tonne ny ilmesty, mut mä noi linet täytin :D:D
izi for swat :(
wat? we're not playing this one. christmas brake
noone even asked us about requesting or smth like that :XD
Automatch. AutoETTVrequest.
Its CB 5on5 automatch, and u dont need other team to accept the ETTV request?
gl rafal
looks like its gonna get cancelled
oki cancel it , erase dont have 5 players
pl dnl666 Sunday, 20th December 2009 18:31
wat? we're not playing this one. christmas brake
noone even asked us about requesting or smth like that :XD

If you are fishing for a forfeit win you can gtfo
but they still came, didn't they?
izy 4 Donito
gl erase
no show win for sWat, i suppose its hard for rayzed to fill it up, dunno why hes manager of the match anyway...
translate to dutch plss!
no-show winnen voor sWat, Ik neem aan dat zijn moeilijk voor rayzed om het te vullen, weet niet waarom hij manager van de wedstrijd toch...