flegma vs busted team (3509 views)

hu haZe
hu enZo
hu dAve
hu bAlu
Bronze Match of HUN Community Challange
30.12.09 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Karrde.hu (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 7056
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #3
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12


[hun]Server IP-t t'o'lem fogtok kapni valamikor 21 óra fele vagy kicsit k'esobb. Megprobaljuk Gabot id'o'ben osszeszedni. Gondolom mindenki kinotte a forfeit csicskasagot es nem lesz siras, ha kesik. Ha megis, akkor kaptok egy barna szinu serleg gif.-et!

Jo Szorakozast a Meccshe sracok! :][/hun]

Maps won't be published, because teams will decide only ingame some seconds before start.
Total Pot: € 1

Im first!!
wtf who plays at that time?
flegma hu vs busted team hu
ja nekünk nem gond ha késik:)
haze adaaimot nehasználj ettv-n
amúgy ez nem fair, mert flegmába csak cartman a csitel, bustedbe meg haZe és enZo is..
nemvagyok csíter :D
nem csak egyik napról a másikra zero to hero ^^
jó de cartman buta csíter:D stati te ne foglalkozz ilyenekkel:)
bet on busted! other team suck balls..
dxtr cartmen sem ma kezdte a játékot:) haze csicska kölök, ádit meg ne bántsd mert lehet hogy csitelt de legalabb normalis:)
ganja én nem bántos senkit, felőlem cheateljen, de HA egy ilyen cupon is cheatel akkor csak magát minősíti+ attól hogy normális szabad cheatelnie? bár nem az én dologm, ti tudjátok..
busted team
that name says all :D so i bet on it
ganja ésszel beszélj mert a gyökér agyaddal nem tod felfogni a dolgokat még nem vok csicska :)
hu haZe
hu enZo
hu dAve
hu bAlu

= busted
okey thx bb =)
im sure eNzo and haze are busted aswell

dunno who dave is
I mean I didnt know bAlu was busted.. Could you show me some pr00fs or screenshots please? Hes an old mate of me , I want to see if thats true :D
haze and enzo are still cheating + i guess cartman still does the same, don't rly think dave cheats, and i'm 100% sure bAlu never cheated!
Yesterday they didnt know how to move while pushing mouse1nshoot, now I couldnt even make positive stat on supply hähä
against haze and enzo? its not surprise me..
If someone has a nice aim, and you think he just started the game - which is not really true - it doesn't mean he is still cheating. It's pathetic if you think this way, watch the ettv replay as many times as you want you won't find anything suspecious you asshole. I know haze and enzo used to cheat, but i didnt.

everyone who played with you these days knows you cheated.i don't think who has nice aim and just started the game - and ye, its not true if we're talking 'bout you - is cheater, i just know you had a huge skillboost in 1 day.and its a fact.
you did worse... you played with seewi and another fag
e: you are too low to cheat :_D
gl enZo :)
izzy bash 4 flegma!