nOu way vs Guarana (13270 views)

pl Frag`Stealer
pl zMk
sk FiLuS
hu Nonix
nl LavOd
hr frozz
gb griim
hr suvi
be lazio
fr kARn4J
ESL Major Series V Playoff match: Matchlink

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Quote by FiLuSI rly dont know what we should expect from this match. Lineup of guarana changed a lot and now they seem to be a mix of skilled players and with almighty lagging frenchie they will be surely tough challenge. But we are aiming for the victory and rolls gonna get nerded!

Quote by suViWe haven't played for quite a while now + we got some new faces in the lineup so I have no idea how this will turn out !
03.01.10 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Major Series V
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: eiM (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 84992
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
de #CubeCast Cast server 1
By: Franc!s
Listen to Franc!s
Language: English

Total Slots: 500
Listener Peak: 28

Enemy Territory TV
cz #ssx-netteam ETTV #1
By: Santa-Claus (ettvd)
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #4
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 2
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #2
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
de Burner TV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de Burner TV Recorder
By: h3ll (ettvd)
gb ETTV UK #Msh100 2
By: msh100 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 102


: o
hf both
nice guarana lineup, gl
gl zMk nonix
gl zmk :)) & kARn4J, lazio!
hf karnaj ;]
"with almighty lagging frenchie they will be surely tough challenge."

excuses + fear
rofl :DDD
u got me, srsly, how can i live in such fear...
karnaj always 200-300 ping and he still hit perfect
i have never seen karnaj with 200-300 ping :o, usually 98
played 2on2 offi against him and he had 200-300 ping, very unhit :D
zmk lowie japa
grasz ta rifla jak kurwa low

tak to jest jak sie bieze po znajmosoci do reprezentacji pedalow
dalej chcesz moje cfg? :DDD


tak to jest jak sie jest matolem w szkole
zMk ale powiesz dlaczego nagle zdanie zmieniles w glosowaniu bo kurde jestem strasznie ciekawy :P??
ignore him, He said I cheat, so plz :d
gl ziom i Fragu ;)
tak to jest jak sie nolafi rifla i sie nadal nieumie grac :<
to tak jak ty spierdalasz ze szkoly zeby grac w et XDDDDDDDDDDDD
ja twoje cfg ty pedrylu wez getnij sie nigdy do ciebie nienapisal a jesli tak to daj mi kurwa ss
uzyj przycisku 'reply'
uzyj przycisku 'reply'
Win by forfeit, because Nonix will egoquit.
Why am I in the lineup? And why am I norwegian? xd
secret player , ask alekz
xD, you tell me
new player also named griim
I dno, but u sure are norwegian.
pownmode on
more drama+++
izi 4 karnaj go catin
gl FiLuS
gl hf both :)
lekker jos
gl filus karnaj fragstealer frozz
LavOd ;3
gl karnaj, on va voir si tu t pratiquer en trickjump
hop hop hop j'ai réussi iZi le east, le main et meme celui sur radar :D
Même que tu fail le vieu saut a la fin è,é
Ouais mais il était pas le seul, c'est pardonnable. Enfin ça reste un festival du fail.
filuS french hater :D
actually i like france, i've been to that country like 20 times. And i love karnaj as much as u can love traitor :PP, jebaaaaaaaat :D
come on jebat I'm hittable you just sux :D
didnt say u r unhitable, i said u r lagging :)
karnaj, suuuuuure
gl Lazio
Guarana to play well but nOu too good in recent cups

hf froZzz :p

no chyba sie cos pomyliles kolego moze i spierdalam ale napewno nie pograc w et
baserace tonight, be there :-D
all my money on you karnaj gl lavod
Nonix from Nonixland (Hungary) gl!
All in Guarana ! GL Lazio & karnaj
izi 4 karn4j
Nonix from Nonixland (Hungary) gl!
Ogień nw!!! gl frag&zmk.
suVi will roll
go go Frag's !! our new Team-Poland member!!!
go go Nonix !! we've got some sentence in Poland: "Polak, Wegier - dwa bratanki, do tanca i do szklanki" (it means : Polak, Hungarian - two brothers, for dance and for glass(means drinking) ) :)))))

You have 50 on nOu
Possible win: 60
FS jest tak nowym graczem w reprezentacji, jak boże narodzenie nowym świętem w kalendarzu
prosze, abys zauwazyl roznice miedzy "NEW TEAM POLAND MEMBER" a "TEAM POLAND NEW MEMBER"//// "NEW MEMBER OF TEAM POLAND" ;)
We also have a sentence about Polish-Hungarian friendship
„Lengyel, magyar – két jó barát, együtt harcol, s issza borát.”
"„Magyar, lengyel - két jó barát, együtt issza sörét, borát.”
and what does it mean? :)
Polish - hungarian two good friend fighting together and drinking wine.
Polish - hungarian two good friend drinking together their beer and wine. smth like this :D
bonne chance godjinator
gl guarana
fu frozz, fu suvi :XD
gl guarana
gl huguette :D
french miracle will deliver
gl karnajounet
nonix coming
pak ze lazio!
gl nonix =D
gl FiLuS & kARn4J !
gl nonix try to fide some new hide spots whilst your at it
suVi is gay
gl suvi
You have € 200 on hr Guarana Cancel bet
Possible win: € 656

cmon kARn4J
jos ei oo vettä ni maistuu guarana. jos ei oo herkkä mä pidän sitä huorana
LavodJ pak ze aan gek!
gl karn4j!
pak ze lavod, laat ze nog eens zien wat echte skill is jongen
Thanks Francis :o
+ potty dual cast >:D
Omg, now I beg my gf not to come ;)
You wanted one shoutcaster, we offer you 2 shoutcasters.
Happy new year 8-{D!
#CubeCast Cast server 1
Language: 1337
Good clans, but Polish will deliver :] HF BOTH
gl nonix
lazio is playing & only ?
gl karnaj
switching server for 2nd map 0-2 atm
nice, no ettv
cool server
4-2 Guarana, gimme my money !
You have € 5 on hr Guarana
Possible win: € 17.75
You have € 250 on Guarana
You won € 887.5

suVi for president of Shire !
You have € 365 on eu nOu
You lost

IF I dont shoot we win :((( (or if i push)

probably cant sleep tonight, nightmares are comming :((
You have € 153 on hr Guarana
You won € 543.15

Thx Nonix from Nonixland.
Na majd holnap meg is nézem a meccset :D
You have € 20 on Guarana
You won € 71

You have € 100 on hr Guarana
You won € 355

edit: always bet on karnaj
Well played !
you won coz i said gl frozz ...
you won becouse we owned you in a prac.
that was our first game ever together...but you did well on goldrush,indeed!
wp team karnaj ! ;-)
You have € 958 on nOu
You lost get skill
You have € 166 on hr Guarana
You won € 589.3

lucky : )
well, no joshua :/
it was part of our tax ;)
You have € 232 on hr Guarana
You won € 823.6 \
You have € 250 on hr Guarana
You won € 887.5
sweet tks