6 angels vs addicted 2 id (5067 views)

ru MightyBro
ru dunzyEye
ru Sal
fi LauriBro
de KruciBro
se Dimljus
se badazz
se sjUna
no skl
se blackie
se 8roxz
match statements:
Quote( blackie ): The outcome of the game can easily be spelled in one word "beer". If we'll somehow manage to find the perfect level of drunkenness, we'll rape the shit out of banda. Knowing our track record of finding that perfect level, I'm a bit worried.

(MightyBro`6aHgA): we already played vs those guys & really enjoyed it.
They are pl clean, ee hittable & mature.
It’s sad nowadays there aren’t many il trustworthy teams like a2id, u could play vs without pb & ettv & I still would be 100% sure they don’t cheat. the flags are added for lulz but I am sincere & not sarcastic@ my statement, looking forward to face those guys @ the battlefield!
14.02.10 21:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CIS CUP
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: M1ghty^brother (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5499
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 5


Ohh our favorite opponents :D
happy new year guys,
& it's mutual.
ooohh my favorite faghag!
U are a manwhore Blackie...
gl hf
gl a2id :>
not this "#¤"¤ again! gl my lovely rusmates ^^ :D
gl mightybrothrer & a2id :)
are you addicted to id software?
Lycka till Gubbar och Blackie! :)
zaeboshim shvedov:D
call alexL swedes, or jews gonna rape
The only alex I know is a shemale working the streets in Gothenburg - and we won't have any other girls than Dimljus in our team..
who is another real jew in our lineup besides you :D?
HF guys :]
nice match :D