h3^exe vs Team FBI (6992 views)

pl edain
pl ben
pl endarked
pl craken
pl orsz
xx [flag]pl[/flag]
xx [flag]uk[/flag]
xx [flag]pl[/flag]
xx [flag]pl[/flag]
xx [flag]pl[/flag]
Loserbracket Round 2
12.11.06 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: PGA LAN Polish Qualifiers
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: lab (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
de HeadShot Radio Shoutcast
By: conr4d
Listen to conr4d
Language: Polish

Total Slots: 500
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
de #1 ettv at h3-tech.org (#h3-tech)
By: orsz (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 85


first :D
exe ftw !!! easy bash for them :*
"FBI Team channel | Jako CL tego klanu po prawie 3 latach istanienia oficjalnie oglaszam zakonczenie funcjonowania... GL i HF na nowej drodze zycia chlopaki :) (by Cres) Szacunek dla tych którzy grali tutaj do samego konca"

GG? ;)
We will see :)
good war(p)
h3 ftw :)
craken :*
ben 'n orsz pwn all \o/
[flag]pl[/flag]pr0digy (TeamLeader)

Easy rape for FBI.
exe go go go! <3
2eaz for fbi
wtf every1 knows that fbi are cheating, nubal and dothan = angel and martin, they were pb banned, but who is this pacman?:OOOOOO
who cares
and i think u'r retarded 12 years old kid who is scared to show his real nick and talking shit on fake
omg i just love the "real nick" part xDDDD
if everyone knows that, so why no one can't prove it ?? watch us on ettv and keep whining :>
exe lineup:

pl edain
pl ben
pl endarked
pl craken
pl orsz

gl n hf
xDDD rlyyyyy ??????

pledain high
euben high
gbendarked ultra high
[flag=ita]craken ultra hax0r
[flag=fin]orsz high
thanks !!
Who cares about you opinion of their skill ?
endarked hax0r
f0 sh0 :D
imo full agree
exe!!! =]
gl & hf
please admins... you wanted to have an english site. Check this thingy then, full of polish talk...
http://www.gamestv.org/news.php?id=199, soz
edain noob ;p
craken go go go ! :* craken > all :D
4:2 for fbi
hahahah Mrozu > all