G-Unit vs eXcess-eSportZ (4129 views)

cz WizroX
be fratske
si tsiyreall
be DOOPPI as m9ve
de meNtal
nl er4z
de gr0ss
de stRay
hu adze
hu BoRi
us pAuZ
ca rockstAr
fr Dudinsky
04.01.10 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: stray (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 26850
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
cz #ssx-netteam ETTV #2
By: Santa-Claus (ettvd)

de Ana's ETTV #3
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
gb ETTVoD Recorder #Msh100
By: msh100 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 37


gl wizrox & taavi ;xd

but 2 izi 4 exceessss gl gr0ss& stray !!
gl granit, adze and dsky :>
TaavI lol
fratske lol!@ GL:)
gl frats :D
GL adze & bori
fratske + cb?
its esl my mistake
gl granit my lil-negro-from-belgium-but-on-the-side-of-where-they-spreak-french and taavi also you noob estonian old clanmate <3 both
gl Dudinsky
wow the odds own
go go Wizrox !!! <3
hraju rifli tak to bude fail xd
what happened to VIP?
gl wizrox :)
Wizrox !! pAuz and gr0ss gl.
League: CB ET Europe 5v5 Ladder

You are the fail right here mister!
easy for fratske, gl
gl gr0ss
gl adze és bori :9
most engem majmolsz?
nem miért kéne?:D aztsem tom kivagy :dxD
gl gr0ss & Dudinsky <3 !
gl fratske
am Fireeeeeeeeeeeeee.....GL meNtal <3 bazmag
gl rockstar, friend :))
gl pAuZ and rockstAr.

g g g g g g g-unot!
wait, this is fail.
gl wizrox :-*
Gl Wizrox :* <3
gl fratske
gl gross :-D
lol this is an ESL ladder match^^
mental how many teams you got :D
who ever wants to lose just signs him up ;)
who wants to get banned just sign you in the team ;)
since every team i've been in gets banned..
since every team i've been in gets defeats..
yea pretty much
are you sure?
i wouldn't doubt it
so you aren't sure ^^
ca rockstAr Monday, 4th January 2010 16:46
i wouldn't doubt it


Die Spasten sind mich hier nur am voll texten :(
When a not skilled et master is having stats problems he often uses the expression "lagg". Actually, it's written "lag" but since those g-unit et fanatics don't know how to spell without using numbers they rarely write it correct.

g-unit: LAGG! 7hi5 is LAGG! omfg u r 4 noob!
rockstAr: i'm sorry idk what lagg means
i didnt write anything like that xd
You have € 1000 on de eXcess
You won € 1040
stop talking to me, i'm not your friend.
so you don't get e-mates? expected.
nice edit, shows me how mature you're.
Yes I'm 16 years old, problem with it? I guess the half community is 16 years old so shut up at that point.

I'm working on my english and I would like to tell you again to shut up, since i'm not from canada or UK or USA so my english isn't on the same level.
like I care

my english is understandable
stray is teh best :D