Tagapagtanggol vs NERDROLLERZ (1493 views)

pl vib
pl sLaSH
lt stR1k3r
nl Pizzahut
09.01.10 17:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 2on2 Ladder
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Str1k3r (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4

Total Pot: € 18
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hahaha didn't see one ESL match were there is not even 1 currently cheater banned.hf getting raged by lt sleePy/fedguli . then go cry at the conflict "oh noes they hacked us"

whoever opens this match is a nobhead, whoever doesn't cancel this at ESL is a bigger noob.
cool story bro, and yes match will be opend since im not sleePy/fedguli =)
i wonder who pizzahut is

e: pizzahut's guids don't exist
afaik Pizzahut is NoHead
is there anyone from ESL who cares about cheaters, pm me if so.
Catch TwA, seems his first bust wasent harsh enough! dont forget his friends
good night :]