Advanced Gamers United vs Super Mytho Crew (4858 views)

de Cokeser
de malaki
de kze
de mosq
de Hirdhor
fi meklari
fr mcsim
ch ShAx
be deepz
fr kuBZ
fr Keytaro
fr DbuZZ
jm MElO
ESL Fall League 09 - Div3 - Semi Final LB
07.01.10 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 6on6 Fall League 09
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: MElO (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 12583
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
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By: sHiZo (ettvd)
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By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
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By: andyF1 (ettvd)
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By: Highlander (ettvd)
fr sMc TV
By: MElO (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 18


1st !
Go jm melo jm :)
ETTV. aGu will fail miserably.j
war irgend wie auch das erste was ich gedacht hab :DDD
gl cokeser & melo
Gl sMc :)
gl A. G. U.
GL sMc.
go aGu !!!

Cokeser - so cute :)
go go meklari
gl MElO
nice to c u back again in this formation GL aGu
easy bash wie immer und dann verkacken wa :DD
gl aGu m8's <3
gl sMc plz gg :)
GL sMc ;)
GL les mythos
GL kuBz, MElO et Geronimooooooo
gl mOsq !
hf Melo, meklari
All money on Frogs
GL keytalow
nice to see the old aGu team playing again! GL Cokeser, Malaki, Hirdhor!
Wir wollten Hird reaktivieren, weil wir derbe Lineup-Probleme aufgrund der finnischen Armee haben. ;) Er hat eigentlich zu wenig Zeit zum Spielen und kann auch heute doch nicht. Mal sehen, wen wir noch alles aus dem Hut ziehen..
ein hase wäre nich schlecht
MEl0 & kubZ vous avez le bonsoir de michael jackson & selena gomez
you've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth criminal :D
gl deepz
gl meklari
Gl sMc
sMc ftw!
You have € 15 on fr sMc Cancel bet
Possible win: € 27.6
gL Mosquito0
gl sMc,tu vas les destroy MELO !!!
all in for mclari
Melo :)
easy for agu :p
no it wasnt and this was expected. we havnt pracc for 2months!
ye thats why we play against you last week :DDDDDD
ye we havent playd with original lu for 2months.. must have been some mix from coke or malaki
idd, it was a mix with kze and malaki... :) And meklari is right with the train :D

Anyway: Nice game, wp. We sucked :D
yeah i play internet games yeah yeah this is cool
nice game :)
fucked up like expected :XD gg
You have € 10 on sMc
You won € 17.2
You have € 40 on fr sMc
You won € 68.8
gg en ayant joué les 2 je pensais vraiment que vous ne gagneriez pas les sMc , du coup gg :D