erAse #DevineGaming vs Phantoms eSports (5064 views)

nl Esse
nl Apoc
no Hexagon
gb Nips
at DonMatthias
fi BossHK
fi dTEC7
es WeZoR
be Player
es Wezor
pl palemki
20.01.10 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: dtect (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 20260
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 33


gl don!
hf Phantoms eSports
this match will be just good experience :)
need to start winning that will be a experience :P
we have a down atm ... soon soon we will rape again
gl erAse
ou have € 7 on eu erAse Cancel bet
Possible win: € 535.36

np for donmatthias!
You have € 5 on eu erAse Cancel bet
Possible win: € 402
all my money! trust in u guys!
GL erAse!

You have € 13 on erAse
Possible win: € 1096.16
no challenge for Phantoms lol..
You have € 20 on eu erAse
Possible win: € 739.6 :o

Make me rich erAse <3

Special gl : Don <3
eA will own (: ! like always
Dont bet on erAse :x
I only win 400 euros now :'(
gl donmatthias:D
toni must play if you wanna win this one
because he is a really good fops and i think u're going to need his skillz! oh ya forgot he's army :(
gl DonMatthias <3
gl Apoc and co
I thank you for mentioning my name, and my teams name as co, but who are you again? :p

(no flame)
look @ cf :)
i know you from bio Server

and plz win 4 me :D
I never play on bio..
hes always behind your window watching you masterbyte
ohh sorry ..... is this a prob 4 you wtf + Funzone + <--- this one
twice the wezor, twice the rape

gl erase =d but u wont win this one :p
Doe dan met ons mee en geef ons een eerlijke kans =$
ok =d me & Sup3r are ready :)
CB ET Europe 5v5 Ladder + Sup3r = no go :(

Anders kon ie zo mee doen np. En ik ga onze fatty leader dwingen je in onze cb line up te zette <3
agree but will be nice experience
es WeZoR
be Player
es Wezor
pl palemki

nice 2 wezors
gl Don !
gl esse<3 apoc:)
I heard esSe is playing ---> You have € 2000 on pt Phantoms, Possible win: € 2160
You have € 3000 on pt Phantoms
Possible win: € 3270
where is ip
gave it to wezor 21.51 dawg
oh well..
gg wp
at least i won some money
es WeZoR
be Player
es Wezor
pl palemki