Envoys of Heaven vs Vicious hellRaisers (4050 views)

ru nitro
ru slaw
ru gtakiller
ru crosby87
pl rizzin
fi kankkerii
fi niiBeR
fi CrpsMgt
fi Daniel Lioneye
fi vesaz
pl StoereUil
31.01.10 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: launch3r (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8594
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 35


udachi, Slawa gta lancher ups rzn
a gde Cro$by87? :_(
btw M1ghty^brother Wednesday, 27th January 2010 13:37
on zatail na menya obidy xDDDD
pered tem kak 4toto skazat ,vkluchay mozg , kak & zdes btw-> click
MightyCRABro ne v duhe :\
ne koverkai moy nick, otsosby
tebe 4to davno v saune ne davali?Ny esli ne dayt,sam dau komu nit..Mysli vsykie tebe lezyt neponutnye...
ya ne tebya ne obijen absolutno (kak ty podumal), prosto udivilo 4to repliki konchennogo v moy adres tak tebya razvesellili .
anyway, GL tomorrow
ne russo MightyCRABro odno3na4no!
easy for poro.
e0h and luck don't compute
gl eoh, where's gertensaft? :(
kankerri lets roll this shit... :D Greetings!
hmm 0o? "CB ET Europe 5v5 Ladder"
GL vHr
gl e0h
gl e0h&vesa
veskunaattori <3333333333333 sälliki on kuviois mukaa : DD
Totta kai, back from the army. Nyt taas kerkiää! <3
gl e0h

requesstee, there is no ettv address!
gl vhr
gl vhr
GL vhr :)
gl vHr, you will need it
gl e0h especially rizzin :*
gl my clan VhR !!! :) specially to essa and niib ! ;)
gl vhr! =)
ez for niiBer
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