rockit.ET vs infinitus.eSports (12118 views)

es Winghaven
lv Clown
fi olBaa
it XyLoS
be mAus
gb potty
pl n00n
gb rAzbo
gb unblind
gb dogzo
28.01.10 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CIEC Seeding Tournament
Manager: SPU9 (Generaladmin)
Maps: Frostbite
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 91848
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
nl Enigma's ETTV #1
By: Enigma (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 324


izi4bb o:
Will be a tight match. :O
gl xylos <3
Potty gunna rolllllll
easy for squall
Best panza in the UK ftw !!!! XD
Yes that is correct, you might even see me whip out the panzer for a few shots ;)
gl mAus
You have € 200 on eu ROCKIT Cancel bet
Possible win: € 314
You have € 50 on gb iQPAD Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1266
gl win manco :>
hf gl potty :)
gl iQPAD

Potty, aka "expect the unexpected"
Going to cast this epic battle?
Don't know mate I've a horrible voice since I'm sick :<
goo rockit<3
SPU9 wtf?
<3 unblind razbo, gl guys
btw, feel free to pm me after the game, our multigaming vaseline esports can provide you with a 3 liter can of vaseline zeldis, if needed. that 's the best solution @ relieving anal pains.
>:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D Wont be needed :D:D::D:D:D

2 easy for rockit
patryk ale dodaj mnie do skladu pls chociaz na rezerwe ! przeciez sie znamy hahaaha
ani razu nie napisalem 'prosze'
n00n > all
You have € 10 on gb iQPAD Cancel bet
Possible win: € 415.2

make me rich :)

You have € 50 on gb iQPAD Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2190.5
GL XyLos :)! and winghaven
go maussssssss:D
mAus & xylos! <33
jedziemy n00n!!!!!
to zescie zajechali XDDDDDD
GL XyLos !!
hf potty <3
haVe fun raZbo & n00n !!!
gl n00n :)
gl everyone, except n00n, fag
it XyLoS

no need to know other players!
Izi 4 Potty
gl n00n
You have € 843.38 € on gb iQPAD Cancel bet
Possible Win: € 24792.63 xD GL
You have € 70 on gb iQPAD Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2553.6 ! in CUBES i trust
gl potty and n00n!
in BANDA i trust!

gl brits :D.......... edit: kk also gl to the polak ^^ gl 2u n00nator
btw, no server or?
gl rockit <3
nice to see TLR back, btw why no dAv1d instead of olbaa?
cause hes going with us to lan
think they can just show up for money and win it all.
bb ftw!
The match from fif gets fat name and this one aint ? lolled
omg XyLoS omg
You have € 161 on iQPAD
Possible win: € 3704.61

Gl potty :)
best can be only one !! mAus !!
why not more stars??? ... the players r all unknown or what xD :D
and only 50 spots at ETTV ... what a joke
stars will be generated by statistics and not randomly given out
Both teams dont exist that long on this site, so they still have to prove to (to the system actually) that they are worth more stars, also; you just see 50 slots because of the stars, but when the 50 slot server is going to run out of slots, more slots will be added (by the system too) :p
thats a nice system:)
GL olBaa ownd all :)
gl olbbi..;)
You have € 100 on gb iQPAD Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2793

no pressure
izi 4
mAus &olbaa
gl unblind, i guess u need it :D
wtf 50 slots only ?? will be worth more then 200 ? we wanna see how rockit plays!
gl mAus

Btw, I guess we will need MORE ETTV slots ! :)
50 slots gg ^^
"You might also notice that there are only terribly few slots available when a match starts - but as soon as they run in risk of getting full we instantly connect another tv server."

you guys should read our newspost, maybe it makes sense then :p
you do realise your audience right? :)
>.< make your newspost shorter then aint got time to read that shit m8 :)
gl to potty and his crew :)
potty is so famous... didnt know that :O
maus winghaven xylos...... owned... gl/// have a fun
rockit pokara... n00n nie wiem po co jestes w takim team... nie lepiej grac z polakami i cos wygrac niz z UK i tylko tracic czas
japa kurwo
niech robi co chce ... ?
Ty chociaz sie sprobuj dostac do zagranicznego teamu i zebys nie wylecial po 2 dniach :)
po co ? . poprostu jest dobry a siedzi w jakims low team ma slaba samo ocene albo nikt go nie chce
ale tez ma na glowie duzo ... + real life
moze kurwa chce sobie pograc z kolegami i mu nie zalezy na wygranej, uzyj czasami mozgu jebany 13latku
yesterday i bet maus becouse he dont think
You have € 10 on iQPAD
Possible win: € 419.8
You have € 9 on gb iQPAD Cancel bet
Possible win: € 369.9
You have € 10 on iQPAD
Possible win: € 404.9

gl brits + n00n
no kaal no win
so we will have more slots :)

k thx 4 the info!!! @ h3ll
razbo > rockit
gl boyos especialy potty & unblind - should be an interesting evening for ya :)
owzo taking out maus and olbaa in best double kill ever seen, what a man.
mAus and olBaa

4:0 : D xD
4-0 rockit bg
oohhh :( was so close guys - next time ;)
You have € 20 on eu ROCKIT
You won € 20.6

Just 0.6 cents more? :o
gg close game