wardogs vs El Salvador (5494 views)

ve Rambotnic
ve Mutant
es Nenko
mx Azteka
cl Xaby
mx Seven up
ve Hugo Chavez
sv apache04
sv gitano04
sv blazer
sv Morpheus
sv Dubon
sv DarkAC
30.01.10 22:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: xGitanox04 (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 4384
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
gb Enigma's ETTV #2
By: Enigma (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


Esto sera una bonita experiencia para nuestro team ^^
Vamos Clan!! DosWar a la victoria!!!

saludos a los colegas de el Salvador :)

:elephant: xD uso chaleco viteh!
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee haver si son perros o gatos.....

bromas saludos a todos haver q sale de esto chaooooo.
El Salvador, are you FUCKING joking?! :DDDD
wtf is this? =)
is your mother .I. (*..*) .I.
hf blazer :)
=) Play like the Gods <3
from all those nerds i only know blazer. so gl blazer! :D
a kien veni a tratar de nerd saco e weas?, Vamos DOGS!!!

8====D pal de arria
orale wei nos estan guachando!!


andale andale!!
correle correle!!


:elephant: ja!
nice teams nice nations <3 :D
awesome! didn't know that guys from the other side of the world are still playing this game.
good luck, have fun! :)
You have € 50 on *dog
Possible win: € 222.5

Gogogo huga chavez, fuck bush. bush is a donkey gogogo :D
You have € 10 on sv sv- Cancel bet
Possible win: € 13.3

make me proud blazer!
yiiijaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa vamos clan!!! haganme rico xD
are you gonna play it ? ;d
wtf is this o.o
lolmatch D:
jajaja y los chilenos k se creen gringos agrandaos QLIAOS!! son mas indios k la mierda y se creen gringas las qlias