In7-eSports Fanatics vs #confronto (3555 views)

pl 45
pl nORAs
pl sn1e
pl Tedziu
pl Pius
pl th0rdis
nl Spidah
fr kartez
nl mAxiiii
gb ToKER
pl upload
gb AziMiz
07.02.10 21:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 WinterCup 2010
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: andyF1 (Highadmin)
Maps: Radar

Total Pot: € 6152
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 4


confronto lineup will be :
gl upload ! :)
gl snie tedziu pius :P
gl pius & sn1e & th0rdis
Rozgrzeweczka thordis ;p
could you please rename #confronto to Confronto, please?
gl confronto
nice tag, con fr
gl confronto =)

upload will lags like hell :D
gl fNtx :] but no Matys no win :<
gl fanatics
upload the hax.

anyway go go confronto.
hf fanatycy !
Int Ysporc Fanatyks!
O kuuurde jak to brzmi! :)

gl misie
Goodluck and may our prac results against you guys result this time in our favour:P!
ja chcialbym zyczyc powodzenia Kaliskiej, elo elo 3,2,0 th0rdisowi oraz nORAsowi, ktory chcial zaistniec ale nie zaistnial!:(
tylko dlatego ze zle zainicjowalem rozmowe a ty mi nie odpisales
bedzie jeszcze okazja! a co do tego ze nie odpisalem to nie ma na to czasu rly!:|
wiem ze bedzie podobno masz zaczac komentowac nasze mecze...
Ale mnie pozdrowiles :-)
czlowieku to jest izi basz :D juz dostali po pizdzie wiec np ;) :* KOCHAM CIE!
sorry ale despero kocha tylko mnie. sam mi to powiedzial
kazdemu mowi to co chce uslyszec ^^
jak to?:O uwazasz, ze jestem populista?:(
ale ja nie gralem ;)
a ja sobie tylko zartowalem :)
Ty jestes low. pamietaj, nigdy nie mozna lekcewazyc przeciwnika! =)
dobra teraz skumalem ze gramy radar i b4 w chuj gnoj... nie mamy szans ;/
gl my fucking BEAR ASS & gl all confronto :)
izi dla uploada
jebane lowy znow na gtv sie pchaja, wypierdalac
:D? stul pizde albo wyjdz z fejka
chcialbym kolego zobaczyc jakies Twoje mecze albo osiagniecia, ze sie tak wypowiadasz
ej bijacz i teraz powinienem usunac mecz z gtv?
wtf kartez how
azi is too good for this shit
No ettv coverage = canceled
Total Slots: 0
Viewer Peak: 4
Gtvd 07.02 20:00 Connected hub 3286 to match
Gtvd 07.02 20:00 Connected tv 3284 to match
piuskoxd 07.02 20:02 Status: cancelled
piuskoxd 07.02 20:48 Status: finished, Entered result: 4-0

The log from this event clearly shows that you set the match to cancelled 2mins after the match start time and then entered a result 46mins later!

So it was clearly your own fault that you removed ettv coverage by setting the match to cancelled before it had been played!

Also I noticed the bet that you placed and would have won if the result stood, however as the actual match was NOT covered by ettv and there are no demos recorded for replay I can only assume you either made a mistake or are trying to cheat gbooky?

btw the times are in my local timezone so GMT not CET