Independents vs Wandering Star (4953 views)

pl stx
pl odulek
pl tempest
pl yetti
pl ska
hr frozz
hr danl
hr suVi
hr calisto
hr drv4c
04.02.10 21:45 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 WinterCup 2010
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: BornToBeFree (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 4297
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 4


gl Lazio
mr odulek busted :(
Show me then he's ban, or stfu :-)
1st get english. 2nd od kiedy to mowisz o sobie w trzeciej osobie? Popierdolilo ci sie cos w glowce?!
Od czasu, gdy po meczach w allstars ego wyjebalo Ci pod niebiosa w ET tak bardzo, ze wiadro przy Tobie to ladnie ulozony, mily i wierny gracz.
Prawda odul ale i tak biznes wciaz pozostaje jebanym nonamem na tej scenie :D! + HoN tard
no jak to co napisalem na cos wspolnego z okazywaniem ego to ci gratuluje serdecznie. nigdy za madry nie byles ale od przebywania z japoncem to juz kompletnie zdurniales.
Czytania ze zrozumieniem ucza jeszcze w gimnazjum. Odpowiedzialem Ci na pytanie od kiedy mowie o sobie w 3 osobie glabie, a nie ze okazales ego akurat ta wypowiedzia.
u suk u sheet
old :o)
and wasn't ever banned, acc sinced 2005, and still clean
what are you trying to say? your english is so bad that i really don't get it.
no cbban equals being clean? 2005 acc? wat?
you guys are a shame for your country, ppl like you are the reason why people are flaming your country tbh.
lol :D
find it funny, how u raging :p
wouldn't really call that raging. i really enjoy seeing suvi fail, especialy vs cheaters since he's so fucking paranoid anyways :D
though its kinda sad to see some retards like the guy above who can't even talk half-proper english.
nC customers don't get banned, but they are still cheaters you fucking polish mongol.
yetti :XD
cheaters team
more cheaters
Odulek , busted !, yetti busted ! stexx will be busted ! tempest , low ! ska , ?!
hotti - banned

kkthxcu :D
I haven't been busted so far :(
no jestem banned i chuj ci w dupe, i tak zawsze bede lepszy od ciebie ! HAHAHAHAHAH CU @ LAN !
i jebie mnie to et to nie moje zycie XD ty cipo z internetu
no dobra juz kazdy wie ze masz dauna :XD i do tego wpierdol w hona
4:0 Indp :)
nie ma takiego bicia!co to kurwa jest!?
You have € 146 on pl Inde
You won € 1855.66

You have € 34 on hr Wanderin
You lost

KK naabs.
forgot to bet :/
suVi used to be able to play et :(
wasn't rly expecting much from this game :D
yetti :))))))
You have € 30 on Inde
You won € 381.3


LoOOoOoOooOoL 12euros on independent
what can u expect when u have danl
at least my teammates can't expect that half of our team will get banned
yetti ffs, stop playing with cheaters.
Nah, it will be much more ridiculous when we beat the shame clan of Poland :)))
np's there will be a rematch or a forfeit win, demos are kinda hilarious :XD
pls :) mongol u are just low :\
haha wtf
bez kitu yetti ? :XD
Po 1: To jest w wrzesnia gamoniu i nigdy za to bana nie bylo.
Po 2: Nawet gdyby dali, to max na 1 miesiac by byl i juz teraz moglbym grac.
Po 3: Wejdz sobie tam i zobacz ze to konto od dawna nie istnieje
Po 4: Ten mecz zagralem tak slabo, ze az mi samemu bylo glupio :XD
ska is skilled :)