In7-eSports Fanatics vs heartZ (6608 views)
09.02.10 21:00 CET
Status: | Cancelled | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET 5on5 WinterCup 2010 | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Frostbite | |
Supply | ||
On Demand | ![]() |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11
Viewer Peak: 11

1 st !! Myszal !!!
gl heartz
no nie wiem.. ale serce mi podpowiada, ze dacie rade!
vs haxy? bedzie ciezko
:D! dacie rade
karaj ich tam byku
tak jest panie kapitanie
gl haxy!
smutne ale prawdziwe
GL fanatyksy
czuje ze hartz na ettv bedzie gralo jak low
smutne ale prawdziwe
smutny to ty masz ryj lowbobie
You have 8000 on pl heartZ Cancel bet
Possible win: 13000.38
Nie no az musialem dac tyle! :) GL oczywiscie Heartz =] pokaracie mam taka cicha nadzieje... I licze na pozdro =]
Na banka bede ogladal.
Possible win: 13000.38
Nie no az musialem dac tyle! :) GL oczywiscie Heartz =] pokaracie mam taka cicha nadzieje... I licze na pozdro =]
Na banka bede ogladal.
siii chcialem zmotywowal chlopakow ! ! ajjj z Wami to sie nie mozna bawic juz ! xD
go go mikeh & heartZ
nice to see that u r still playing, fanatics :)
:) ofc we are!
what about you? preparing for lan?
what about you? preparing for lan?
ye valkyrie is still active :P we would like to go to lan but we r on waiting list :/ best of lucks
izi fanatics
ale gl heartz!
ale gl heartz!
You have 152 on eu In7 Cancel bet
Possible win: 212.8
Possible win: 212.8
gl all
heartz lu:
be KlAuwtje
us Tupac
be Canni
ee JyrkZ
se baq
gg bb
be KlAuwtje
us Tupac
be Canni
ee JyrkZ
se baq
gg bb
gl majki
4;2 heartZ!
4;2 miazga
4;0 dla mnie mleko
noras jak mogles byc taki slaby????? :D
You have 1155 on eu In7
You lost
Well done polaks
You lost
Well done polaks
Forfeit win for In7-eSports Fanatics, piaskun (CKKrolArtur) ingame cheated.
lol? :o
ban em all ;)
kick them out of wc
be ready for next match in wc :D
new talents incoming, new guid + ip
probably yeah piaskun banned and :
[22:53:50] [baq] killerboy i have 1 question for you if i send you demo where i cheat on offi can u bust me ?
[22:54:13] [baq] i want quit this game
[22:54:23] [baq] so can you do that ?
[22:56:09] [[CB]Killerboy] yep
[22:56:53] [baq] what about esl i was there ban to ? soz for engrish
[22:57:19] [[CB]Killerboy] pm eiM
[22:58:04] [baq] he say "I cant do it just for the demo"
[22:58:16] [baq] can you say smth to him
[22:58:17] [baq] ?
[22:59:15] [baq] ok i know do you have some publick detcted cheats ?
[22:59:55] [[CB]Killerboy] google
[23:00:14] [baq] i allready try it but i cant find anyone
[22:53:50] [baq] killerboy i have 1 question for you if i send you demo where i cheat on offi can u bust me ?
[22:54:13] [baq] i want quit this game
[22:54:23] [baq] so can you do that ?
[22:56:09] [[CB]Killerboy] yep
[22:56:53] [baq] what about esl i was there ban to ? soz for engrish
[22:57:19] [[CB]Killerboy] pm eiM
[22:58:04] [baq] he say "I cant do it just for the demo"
[22:58:16] [baq] can you say smth to him
[22:58:17] [baq] ?
[22:59:15] [baq] ok i know do you have some publick detcted cheats ?
[22:59:55] [[CB]Killerboy] google
[23:00:14] [baq] i allready try it but i cant find anyone
ot_logo 1
[22:53:50] <baq> gay
[22:54:13] <baq> gay
[22:54:23] <baq> gay
[22:56:09] <[CB]Killerboy> yep
[22:54:13] <baq> gay
[22:54:23] <baq> gay
[22:56:09] <[CB]Killerboy> yep
no to niezle:) gratulacje fanatics wygranej:)
Przepieknie panowie, gratuluje
Grajac pcw na nas tez cheatowali, fajnie sie ogladalo na wolfcamie :)
dobre info mial z ettv i od razu hax! tepe chuje!
nie jestes na kolacji kolego ze tak krzyczysz :) imo twoje miejsce na czele reprezentacji polski a nie udzielanie sie w meczu randomow!
zgadzam sie Marcinie!!!1111111
"5 lat gry w ET i staty 5/26"
powyzywac to mozesz swoja stara
ale 18mnastka
kurwa dawac moje pieniadze bo postawilem na heartz chuje
<jakisRandomzHeart>: Zaraz wejdzie KrolArtur wiec macie przejebane.