Team Validus vs g5squad (4236 views)

gb reAliZe_
gb Jinosta
gb Pigeon
gb DeMeNtEd
fi kolibri
gb h3lix
gb Wakizashiuk
gb skydeh
nl Ati_
be Shizzle
fi crod
23.02.10 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 WinterCup 2010
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: reAliZe_ (Requestee)
Maps: Coast_b1
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Total Pot: € 16008
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 2


nice maps :D reactor ftw

WTF MAPS we been playing some other
gl Gunny yo!
hl realize & demneted & gunny !
Rich why so many sorted people on one page
god knows =D
Ye i heard that gunny is a sound lad
thought waki hated cheaters
afaik eirik and crod were decent players. Wtf they doing playing with you lowkids?
thought waki hated cheaters
i'm not a hacker ffs

owh wait
thought waki hated cheaters
Ezi for waki's team ! :)
hf koliikki & crodii coast-b1 :SS
realize > eirik :)
np 4 validus
good luck neopig dem & realize :D
gl kolibri
no gunny no win!
Maps? Lineups? Teamname? It's G5 PLAYA not g5 squad :DDD..... Wakizashi, Skydeh, Helix, Shizzle, Ati_, crod and we have not played coast once yet so, ggs @ fail map pool but we will still go off the rip
xD izi 4 u man

gl mate !
gimp you suck at cooking
Gl Gunny
g5 Playa

Waki, Skydeh, h3lix, ati_, shizzle, crod
jinostaa will roll waki
go jinosta<33
ez bash for wakizashiuk & sh1zzle !
wazikashi will pwn! with his skilled jokes!
real playas gonna roll
g5 win validus no show, to scared =)
We showed, you were just to scared to wait for our 5th to come, so you got the forfeit :D But we don't care, we still come out top of the group :)

We actually before the game considering not showing, wasting our time playing you guys :D

Cya laa
really scared and if someone was waisting someone else his time it was you guys.
Yea, we did it for shits and giggles. Our 5th was me opening ET twice =D
It's not as if you had a chance vs us anyway even on 2 maps weve never played, Jinosta is your only good lan dodging player :P You woulda got g5d all the way to next week :)