clan4ever vs Pirate Gaming (5580 views)

pl drx.
pl Gregor
pl Foxik
pl Abject
pl Seigen
pl GaNGi
de Schnacke
hr srna
ro fuzzel
de denn1z
de Mockingbird
ET 5vs5 Winter Hosted Cup - 5th League Group A 3rd week
clan4ever 4:2 Detox Team <-|||1st week|||-> Pirate Gaming 2:4 Euphoria Gamming
clan4ever 0:4 Euphoria Gamming <-|||2nd week|||-> Pirate Gaming 0:1 Team Warpig
16.02.10 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 WinterCup 2010
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: VipGregor (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5981
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


gl c4e
hf stokkie <3
gl, hf stokkie :) <3
Patiiiiii !!!! <3 :* hf =)))
gl c4e
gl & hf srna!!!
gl & hf c4e ;D
gl mXm
gl denn1z and srna <3 hope to see u guys playing
sure thing Mr.Polite :D
ahaha :p just joking at gameserver and you know it :D gl 2night
;D thx
Good Luck eMiks & Kartman ! : D
gl ciiii fooorrr iiiii <3
hf stokrotka & em iks em :))
gl Pati ! :D
gl Stokrotka
thank uuu! :D
szybkonogi pius :D
gl mXm!
GL drx.
gl mXm!
Probably wildcarded....
Pierdole ten klan :D cless avi.
izi win Pirate Gaming!
cancel or gief me money
gl hf maxi
You have € 198 on de Pirate Cancel bet
Possible win: € 350.46

izi money
da wär ich mir net so sicher du alter sandnigger :D
die werden nich spielen können du drecksbengel , immerhin bräuchten die 3 mercs -> not possible
besonders weil man ja soooo viel geld bekommt, wenns match aufgrund eines noshows gecancelt wird du drecksbengel....
was willst du dahergelaufener Frechdachs eigentlich? Dich sollte man mal ordentlich mim Gürtell verprügeln.
hujfresse jebany!
gl Abject
jazda ! jazda ! jazda ! jazda !
wypierdalaj do gimbazy opierdalac galy w kiblu za kawalek drozdzowki
i always think of c4L when i see these wnb's
more low teams on ettv pls.
more retarded comments on ettv pls.
ur one of them to right? who r u again?
who r u ? always funny to see how wnb known guys trying to act cool...wont work cheeseshit
c4e pokazcie skilla :) GL
hf gangi :)
You have € 10 on eu c4e
You won € 65.8

expected :{D
You have € 10 on eu c4e
You won € 65.8

Ladnie pobrali :D
You have € 90 on eu c4e
You won € 592.2
Viewer Peak: 10
Prawie jak reprezentacja Polski w kalambury...
imo no alhub yes win :D