ubik vs Maori Strike Force (3151 views)

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5v5 Season 1 Ladder Match
16.02.10 10:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CyberGamer : ET 5v5 Ladder
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: biggz (Generaladmin)
Maps: Bremen_b2
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3189
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


fuck yes 1st! this is going to be close i think, could go either way :)
gl photo
<3 jake
ubik wanting to reschedule sigh @_@
gl nAs & tbc :P
4-0 ubik, maoris bunch of rambos
but gl jakeeeee
thanks for the luck my fans <3 xoxo
grr cant make it tonight hope we can postpone it so we have enough players >.<
re-scheduled server reset :/
open bets :(
update or cancel bets plz :s
it depends who your going to vote on ;) :D
Rofl anim ... Playing on EU scene , NA scene , and now AUS scene.. Next week : Asian scene

Jokes apart gl guys and hf both teams!
You have € 40 on nz Maori
Possible win: € 593.2

boy oh boy hope i win, ill be rich! :D
canceled and re-requested, bets will be refunded I guess. Only way considering GTV recorded some of the match already but this match will be replayed in full.
god damn anim you really love ET
brincess playing et with aussies at 4:30am. brincess playing et with aussies at 4:30am. brincess playing et with aussies at 4:30am. brincess playing et with aussies at 4:30am. brincess playing et with aussies at 4:30am. brincess playing et with aussies at 4:30am. brincess playing et with aussies at 4:30am. brincess playing et with aussies at 4:30am. brincess playing et with aussies at 4:30am. brincess playing et with aussies at 4:30am.
i really thought that was a song
holy fuck anim
gotta love that et ...