Netherlands vs Sweden (9886 views)

nl Lightning
nl abort
nl hayaa
nl joop
nl lunatic
nl aea
se nordan
se newbJe
se jonas
se Nuggan
se sAvage
se crajsor
15.02.10 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW NationsCup XIII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: `Lightning (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 75927
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 272


1st & Go Sweden!
2rd , no axelL - no win
easy 4 NL!
izi 4 sweden GL nuggan & savage
gl nordan :)
hF mrhayAa
gl hayaa joop nuggan
ez bash for abort
go go power nedjes
gl abort
i hope NL takes it, but something is telling me sweden will win.
nee man, waarom? se=med+ nl=high-
het gaat om teamplay..
en daar is zweden beter in denk ik.
Op zich wel een punt. En wij hebben grotere ego probs. Desalniettemin 4-0.
gl savage and crajsor!!!

No BuLL no win!!
wheres tekoa
gl NgN meatshield :o)
izi for nordan <3
no slajdan no win :XD
izi 4 sweden (:
where is tekoa perfo,azatej,m1lk ... where is slajdan??
easy for jonas :)
izi for NeD, only nuggan own :d
Lun4tic or Lightning ?
... Lun4t1c is smg, Lightning is rifle? ...
Lightning smg , Lun4t1C rifle ! me not playing got seeding match at the same time, so NL might win ! ;p
heja sverige!
aea = ???????
gl mr. abort 3v3 owner and jonas ofcourse
hard one but sweden will win... without perfo NL lacks objective faggot.... and less spam in 5o5 makes it easier for swedes
izi 4 Lightning
no luna no win
gl Lightning
aea = ???????
aea = ???????
aea = ???????
gl abort
sweden will take it...
GL sweden
GL Sweden!
gonna be a nice match !
no teKoa no win : <
gl jONAS
aea = ???????
where is photosynthesis!?!? go go NL!! <3 kevin
great match :D but ned will win gl hf
no modus no win <3
Goodluck Lightning and Aphesia!
gl sweden!!!
easy for nl
bet 4:2 for nl
No servers for this yet? :x
easy for team-sweden gl newbJe and sAvage
hup NL hupp;pp
needs tekoa / azatej / perfo 8(

will be a good match though!
Enigma's servers should allow cvar settings like r_drawfoliage 0 and r_wolffog 0
I cant help that, its in the configs of gtvd, read the faq.. (
2-0 NED
Edit: 2-2
4-2 nl
go abortje :D
gg, grush was horrible
who won ?
4-2 NL

NL won at Adlernest
SWE won at Grush
NL won on B4
why didnt u throw the dyna savage instead of going for lightning..
At which moment? :<
he talks about newbje
There was one moment I could do it when I camped their spawnway but I had no idea they were going to cap the area :<
and why did you play engi and rushed side at first stage, i dont get it :(
because I somewhat hoped our medics would follow :<
when u walked, most of em selfed, lightning was to your right, you should of just chucked the dyna newbje would have porly armed it
swe got rolled
ahahahahaaaaa...SWE u can try an win the match with some CB rules
Cry a river, build a bridge and get over it.
lowskill comment np 4 him
gone with perfo tekoa?:)
you removed radar idiot :D
I was fine with supply :) but well im not the team
since you're lacking skills to play radar every year.*

kinda funny how nuggan deleted his comments, whining retard.
np 4 abort :)
You have € 15 on SWE
You lost

You have € 2000 on se SWE
You lost
trusted you
You have € 50 on se SWE
You lost
im absolutely shocked
whats all the whine about, nuggan? .. mappool is mappool ..
bull tekoa aza??++?++? where are they????? perfo??+? wtfFffffffffff
surpising, yet.. expected.... expected, yet.. suprising....
needs modus.