vs The Last Resort (14351 views)

ee Night
ee r3vers
de urtier
de senji
si JaKaZc
es Winghaven
be dAv1d
cz marv
be De57
il CrozZ
hr aCoZz
ESL International Premiership Series: 5th week

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21.11.06 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL International Premiership Series
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: chosen_ (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Radar
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Enemy Territory TV
de #dignitas ETTV Server (powered by andyF1)
By: Frop (ettvd)
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By: X-tra (ettvd)
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By: skooli (ettvd)

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By: Phoenigore (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 409


Idle to win
only if you shoutcast
Agree. ^^
Idle ftw!
didnt he sayed already that he wont cast ips games?
Just saying it would be nice if he would. :/
i was just a bit offensive coz i dislike this rivalry :)
Night play?
teKoa play ?
<3 teKoa
idle win for sure !

So porbably we can see Night but not teKoa...
Dunno... i'm not sure but it's idle's new lineup for EC.
tekoa> reload
Your bet: 10€ on aMenti
Possible Win: 50 € (+40 €)
nice lowskilled match!
Completly ownage by idle!
Wher is teKoa? :(
marv gogogo!
izi bash pour mon pote dest <3
Winghaven <3
gl riil6ud
Omg , teKoa ?
Goodluck aMenti.
LoL aMentis new Linuep goes kakafaces :p
idle with night = win
has tekoa left idle? or kicked maybe?
tekoa stopped playing ET...
idle will lose
gl idle !
tnx for new nick !
aMenti thinking there high but there not

just med+ playing vs one of best clans in ETSCENE

some fullholdes coming;)
are you thinking you are cool writing this shit? you are a retard
hahahaa, i laughet very loud reading his and your comments guys ^_^
ai äm fråm finland and here we dåunt spiik såu kood inglish
"are you thinking you are cool writing this shit? you are a retard" is correct english tbh
ai tink yuu are a riitard, sori for nat spiiking so kood inglish
looks like you know shit.
ofc... I guess you could take on aMenti all by yourself, huh? Think before you type, plz...
lol at all the whine asian is getting. he has a point though, idle will rape amenti as if they were nothing
how can he know what amenti are thinking of?
i meant the part where he sais "some fullholdes coming"
50€ on
Your bet: 50€ on aMenti
Possible Win: 250 € (+200 €
nice joke
its not a joke! its the future!
do you believe in god?
does he have to? god has nothing to do with betting imho :D
idle FTW
Omg teKoa..?
the easy-money-games r back ;p
idle match without tekoa? :<
" idle match without romeo? :< " is better
hi trev
Romeo must die.
he wont... he is a tekoa :X :D
maybe,maybe not :p
i heard in banglades ppl respect tekoa as a god... :D
I actually am god :P

no joke ;) u r (u saved juliet :o)
hmmm? :P maybe :D
Sure u r :P <3
hey, watch it!
rofl, god is replying! I knew he played ET!!! :D :P xD
everybody sayin, omg teKoa where is he, o my god.....etc important is that they have their leader back eeNight, yea but its true that with nlteKoa they would be better than with eeRELOAd, imo.
night no matters, we need tekoa for sure aha.
Night got the brains, idle is a pussy without him
too bad that he didint post [sarcasm] [/sarcasm] tag there. he thought it is viewable enough :|
RELOAd > teKoa
easy bash for idle, even when they are on a backpath.
agree + plus you suck :P
yea, evan for aMenti rifle!!11oneone
better fold before that.
GL both
GL marv
i miss tekoa :<
my money on amenti
go reload <3
u suck tekoa is just the pwnage!
Money on idle 4 sure... <3
dont be so sure, amenti is good also :> and idle suck thse days...
idle dont sux in 6v6
idle even dont suck in 5on5
reload is very leet!
<3 teKoa
reload, i lold irl =D
Well, it's a pity teKoa quit playing ET- I liked to watch him playing. But idle isn't this kind of team which is gonna get owned just because one player left.

Hope to see a good and even match.
orly? what about night not playing and cdap and zp winning?
lol idd my brother idd.
tekoa is one of the best player in world (with butchji, mAus, mystic...)
So not so easy for Idle.
Fuck idle, always that whine over idle like "omg they are leet etc" or "they will own amenti"... Getting sick and tired of it, fucking "idle-supportive" naabs.
And i don't agree that, when tekoa has quit, the whole team would be shit afterall, he was good, but not amazing.
Night is best in the world...
gl reload <3
gonna be gr8 game :P
go amenti!! give 'em hell

i houp idle will win
jakazc for president!
lol mQ*romeo = tekoa ?
ofc it willl be great match .... imo idle is still the best 6on6 team so they should take it ..... btw gl & hf both:P
n1, gl amenti
marv <3
idle whitout tekoa = med+
tekoa - high
reload - med+/high
how come you know idle's strategy to judge which player is better for it?
idle with night - high
idle with teKoa and Night - uber high xD
This will be an exciting match with idle's new line up :)
idle is going for EST powerhouse again , thats nice
Need gza and elps then :)
all my money on idle soooo GL idle gogogo
RELOAd = teKoa
high+ vs high :O
idle make it "easy"
Tiet match, it'll be great match to see, we'll have fun.
or maybe tight :)
Don't blame my jew Engilsh skills :p
wtf happened?
Looking forward to an ETTV game is complete idiocy, because they're cancelled like there's no morrow. Fuck it.
God has spoken
Seriously, I think two out of three times I post in here I get a reply like that. Not that I complain.
lol, thats the point of using that nick :P
tekoa owned :(
GL reload \o/
idle ftw... lot of money
de57 won't play, Clown will.

more info: register kthx ^^
much luck tommorow i wish you
Easy bash for Idle, with or without teKoa
eazy bash for powerhouse! Gl guyz!
idle wil win...sjo stfu...

IDLE winn .. but not big score of pwning aMenti
gL 2 idle!!!
Need more slots :"<
tekoa stopped playing ET... ?! =[ rly ?
ya rly! its a fact man. got to live with that now :( xD
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Whose fanboi am I going to be now? :(
yes thats a big problem i think
butchji is your man dude!
maps ?!
idle gl
imo idle should split their team cus they are 2 good 4 every clans. (ovs and zP! is also one of the best..) but anyway it would be better cus they have won many cups etc, maybe the players arent that good anyway if they would split their team then you will see how good they are if they are joining a new team its just their teamplay that is something special.. many <3 2 teKoa for these years we had luck to spec him. idd loll'd irl when i heard reload ;x anyway gl both teams.
hum, okay
you lolled when you heard reload... ummm are you serious?
lol tard!
dude reload fits perfectly in that team
ye i am remember him from some lame public were he was owned of everyone and it wasnt a faker =F seriously hes med/+ his aim was maybe good sometime but not anymore.. what happend to sFx?
reload? lols.. its the worst player that idle have had in a few years
RELOAd is a nice teamplayer , he is there at the moments he is needed :p fock this line up aint bad , they will own them
Relax guys, I know teKoa's aim is probably (or sure) better than RELOAD's, but he's a very good player too! so pls stop saying reload is a noob and blablabla... cuz he don't deserve that. ktnx
SkullBreaker FTW
reload is way better than teKoa if u ask me
will there be a fragmovie from idle?
when will it come?
it would cost a lott of money to buy a 10 terabite hardrive to put all the frags:>
after yesterday pwnage on NETR, idle will take it easy
idle good luck :) and amenti u too :) have fun
Will Toss do a shoutcast? I sure hope so.
more slots :(
need shoutcaster :(
wtf, is the game a joke?
5v6 and 2 laggers :D.
pointless rape for idle :]
easy bash 5on6 :p
who was with 5?
:/ booooring
idle gg. & have a nice day
lame.... 5on6 sux :/
amenti was unlucky in the past weeks :(
where to dl demos?
Reload played with idle years ago and he has a great aim, he is a top player and he sure isn't just med+

aMenti playing with 5 in this match just shows they arent EC ready :\ You play versus the best clan in europe the day before EC invitations will be given out and you can't even get a proper 6 man lineup? Can we even compare aMenti with the team which ended 2nd at last EC at this moment?
agree :s
you can't, simply cause only acozz played last ec & in amenti, david a bit (semi & final only i think). team-nd is dead, nothing to compare with amenti.