FaMaS vs roYality-eSports (2711 views)

fr An7ho
fr quAke
fr DooZ
fr Riggs
es CiD!
lt reVEEe
de meNtal
de ohzor4
24.02.10 21:45 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #evu.cup
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Homer_ (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Braundorf_b4

Total Pot: € 5975
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


izi for rY <3 gl guys
gl FaMas.
gl ozze :D
rescheduled @ thursday 20.15 cet
I've said NO reschedules. Forfeit win for a team that comes with 5 if match isn't played @ requested time.
if both team are agree its ok, right? :x
He ULTRA forced them to wednesday :( We didn't wanna play vs fanatics today played like 6 games in a row and we still had to play :(
well, our match was forced for 2/3 days before the offi, and you wasnt here because you had other offi, and now we lost by forfeit because of a "crane pause bug" even the crane didnt moved, even with trying to give you 35s more for nothing, hi2u cb rulZ.

its not like we arent fair play, tell smth to admin, atm we lost and we are out of the winter cup coz of this lost.

well, if you have been in our clan for the past year, we've had so many shit happen to us from cb, (forfeit wins, bug abuse) so I know exactly how you feel, but ye
ye, even w0nd3r tryed to win once by forfeit coz of our wrong guids, but they got wrongs guids too + we used rules to win, and we won :>
(i speak in esl offi, and hes an admin xd )
Gl famas mental reVEe!
gl An7ho :>