numbe vs planlos (2530 views)

24.02.10 17:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 1on1 Ladder
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: NuMBe (Requestee)
Maps: Ctf_well
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 55
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 2


gl numbe
gl numbe ...
w:DPASD wtf DDDDDD You sir are ignored from talking to everywhere =)
I'm ignored from talking to everywhere!
nice engrish there
I don't give a shit. You still understood
match of the year i guess
:PD Didn't get any other way a server :DDDDDD
easy biisi numbee
pyh, oli tiukkaa vääntöö :DDDD sil meni hermot vähä ku tapoon sillys 3 kertaa 10hp:l :D
Viewer Peak: 2

serious business
numbe and plan imo
accept my challenge and let's make ETTV =D
Who the hell is intrested in watching 1on1s. -.- We didnt get server so had to make it ETTV :p
dunno, 41 players:

dunno, 77 players:

ah, maybe its your nick fault :>
eh, that's a ladderfight :o

And in my matches vs voiler in cup finals there has been moar palyoers i guess :D

But actually i dont give a shit :D wanna rematch again? Are u bitter of the last time? :))
last time i was warmup + bored + didnt played 1on1 since.. oh lol :))))

you know if im active i can pwn you easy. but, you will make a protest and says "Demos. Im wondering about the skillboost you got after pausing the game." like the last bash? :p
eh, you really had a huge skillboost in 4months or something, from low to med+. But actually now i think you have no chance :D
lol, starting 1on1 without knowledge of map, was low ye :)
and you saw the result with knowledge :>

no chance, u mad ? xd