Team Normality vs erAse #DevineGaming (3946 views)

nl adeto
de eujen
be eron
mt Killerboy
gb Ethr
nl Esse
nl Apoc
at DonMatthias
gb Nips
no Hexagon
01.03.10 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Ethr (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8275
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 27


gl Normality! =)
icarus :D
maybeme, that sounds formiliar. From the old Matrix Alliance?:D
gl don :)
hf erAse
gl donito and essito aka gay duo <3
Easy for Gary
donmatties, nuff sed
easy for norm !

gl eron
You have € 10 on erAse
Possible win: € 13

make me rich nibotps

gl eron :'D

and rest aswell (:
we will get brainerized :S
hf don
GL both teams, and why the fuck am I as nl adeto, when everywhere(cb cf esl) im registered as remy. WTF is this shit
je bent famous BEGRYP HET EENS !
another new account LoLOlOlOL
returning while banned!!!
21CET? We agreed to 20CET on IRC with Ethr yesterday...
yea cb still said 21.00CET and kb thought gtv was wrong. We are playing 20.00CET ;) just need to put gtv back again
You have € 100 on eu erAse Cancel bet
Possible win: € 151

now lets hope eujen wont play :X
GL Killerboy
gl adeto & eujen :D
lol no toni no win, izi for norm
weve beaten them last time without toni, so ur logic fails
gL Ethr, adeto and eron! <3
lol no toni no win, izi for norm
lol no toni no win, izi for norm
wp, radar was shit though
frost best map ever in ET :)
remove !! :D
we miss bremen :(
ye its prolly going out after cc7
haha, i like it when one person decide about everything
thats enemy territory scene, i forgot
haha i like it when a busted cheater with an iq less than 50 thinks decision are made without consulting admins and ec playersq
everyone says about IQ, but noone doing these tests :)
and who the fuck are admins nowadays? bluman aka busted 200x, hope gnajda and others will apply as supervisor
what is more, if u were consulting with EC players, there will be still 6on6. also nice to forget about OC players, ehhhh

e: about 5v5 decision

again messing with ur own words, how pathetic you are
wow you really must have a kind of brain damage, explains your caveman voice. bluman is not a cb admin dumbass, l2read.
being supervisor = being admin of league/cup
next please, shame that u didnt say any single word about 5v5 decision in this comment :)
Link to his ban pls , im about to cum :D::D:D
lol no toni no win, izi for norm

gg wp izi money You have € 500 on eu erAse
You won € 925
You have € 10 on eu erAse
You won € 18.5

Thanks Ap0c!