karma vs punga (6891 views)

es Vivi
es LuCy
es ZeroS
es Zuhn
es bLubLu
ie flushje
be Rhand
de Bitch
de Andy
de znark
08.03.10 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 WinterCup 2010
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Zuhn (Requestee)
Maps: Et_ice
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 9631
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


go ireland!

Need tactics for ice, pm @ #punga.
ratzilla will deilver, os tocan unos equipos que tela, mucha suerte.
Bueno, ya nos toca pillar que llevamos buena racha y este tipo de equipos son buen entrenamiento.
gl Viviiiii <3
Don't know yet if I'll be playing, be Belgium will be raping hr Croatia at that time.
Good luck with that! Think you'll have a better shot at this match! ;) Anyway gl with both! =)
Belgium lost 0-1 vs Croatia last wednesday (when this match was originally planned).
aha, I see! Gl with this match then! :P
you will fail again ;)
No idea what you're talking about.
Belgium lost 0-1 vs Croatia last wednesday

you say you will own them ? but lost .. they will win again so you fail
izi for punga
gl rhand flushje and bitch
izi bash vivi
enga vivi =)
izi bash for mr frazer :)
gl karma!

especially vivi!!! :D
Joder vivi con lo mal que me caes y lo que te quieren los guiris :P
gl bitch <3
Rhand will deliver! <3
Vivi, Final Fantasy fan?:D
nah, never played it :)
gl punga
gl r a t :)
gl andy
gl punga
gl karma
gl ratatatatatatatata
gl karma que me haceis rico.
You have € 500 on karma
Possible win: € 3355

You have € 50 on karma
Possible win: € 303.5
gl andy
gl punga and thx to all :)
gl bitch
Vivi, dales amor del bueno <3

Suerte putillas <3<3 Zhun & bLubLu
gl Rhand
gl bitch
gl karma!
gl andy
gl & hf PUNGA! ;)
GL Karma :D

Don't know if i'll be playing.
gl karma,si no juega el ratzilla no son nadie
no con ese payaso tampoco karma > punga EASY
que pelotas soys omg con cariño y tal <3
gl andy
i wont play, left gaming

gl punga :)
See you in 2 weeks :-)
gl Rhand
gl flushje
gg wp
we was rolling rolling rolling.
well play anyway
had not seen such an obvs wallhack in 2 years, pathetic andy. Funny watching you with shownormals.
Ive watched replay, nothing obhious
Te autoinsultas?
No te pongo un gif de los tuyos por pereza xD
Honestly think Andy is using a WH
Go and watch it right here : ettv.shizo.eu:28003
/follow 4 specialy onSD axis defense its flagrant
You cant give forfeit win cuz u think some1 is cheating.You have to proof that before man.
If he rly cheats bust him and fine.

But just cancel this shit forfeit...just do a rematch ( we would easily win again even without the "hacker" cuz ice was unlucky for us,same for grush first stage)

(didnt watched the demo yet,will do after work, but the fact is that u cant give forfeits,or ban for a feeling)

We can all easily win with a guy using WH in a 5on5, and btw you won for 1 min Goldrush and lost Ice in 3 minutes so speaking about easy win is quite funny.
And is not a feeling, is obvs as anyone can see the replay, but I guess crying is all you have left to do, so pls dont do as if you didn't knew he was cheating, cause you knew perfectly little bitch.
You dont diserve loosing this map, you diserve getting kicked from WC.

No, we are not playing again with a bunch of 12 year old Ego boys that need a WH to win us 3-1 for one minute and inscribed a MERC the day before.

You were playing with a hacker and you knew it, so its a forefeit for us.

Angry nerds got rolled.
AMEN...................O W8? -.-'
lol, you think we had any idea Andy was hacking???? We would never play with him if so. The merc is irrelavent, hes in our lineup. I asked your guys permission for him to play before the match, you guys said yes. To be fair, Rhand was the only one trolling you guys, no one said anything else. I agree, if andy was hacking we will remove ourselves from this cup, but please, dont get offensive.
We dont really care for Rhand, dont even know who he is or noticed him during gameplay. Decent players never troll or flame, they have no need for it. We are offensive to someone that was laughing of everyone with an obvious hack, normally when theres a hacker in one team there are more, but thats just my pesonal opinion. Anyway I dont think any of the rest were hacking but I do think some of your team knew it.

Whatever the result is for him we are happy cause everyone that watched the game or replay will see it clear.

We have played vs good teams and lost or won and never accused anyone of hacking, like I said in 2 years this is the most obvs case i've suffered from someone hacking in a offi.

Nothing against you or the rest of Punga.
Btw have to say just 1 things, your attitude is really impressive, just for that you need all the respect we can give
And we didn't win Grush with only 1 minute to spare, we fullheld you at the bank. Using lies to gain your objective is a pretty sad tactic.
Just watch the demo and give me your opinion about the WH - go and watch supply Axis part its really clear, watch it with shownormals 1
You will see because honestly i dont think he use a WH, its clear

As i said, i give the ip for the replay to KB and iMni, after this we can decide to make a replay without Andy or not
But actually score stay as it

And btw in case of ETTV dont replay this, it would be nice if Andy can send me his onw demos
Dont worry i send him IP to confirm this, i send it also to iMni on asking to watch it to.
We will see well after 2 others confirmation
But atm for me its clear so score will not change, it can maybe but not now
After this we can decide to make a replay without Andy or not
Why resign ? your 2nd and surely go to playoff
Id really like killerboys opinion firstly, rhand says there isnt much suspicious
He's talking about your behaviour, that's why (if) we would resign.
There's absolutely nothing obvious and/or flagrant about it. The words you're looking for are intelligence, teamplay and communication. Yet, if you really feel he's cheating perhaps you could be of assistance and point me out a few moments of his obvious cheating. I'll be glad to set you straight and explain why it may look like cheating but it actually isn't, due to the aforementioned qualities Andy and punga as a team possess.

I also find it appalling at how easily you discard a legit result just because you feel someone is hacking. You have absolutely no proof yet you grant the paranoid kids their request just because of a suspicion. That's, very well done I must say.
If you dont see this guy hacking is cause you are blind.
A few moments? just watch supply defense and then speak. You can take moments from all maps and rounds but that one is more than clear. At least your teammate has the education to admit its obvious.
And NO, most of the moments have nothing to do with intelligence, communication or any shit you could say, its just him watching players through walls.
And so obvs. even us playing were shocked, later on with the ettv replay with shownormals it was simply a show.
Stop bullshit comments against us or admin when you know he was hacking.
Im not 100% sure, I must admit, id like killerboy to look at it
I've specced him on both rounds of supply and now the first round of grush, I have yet to find the first thing suspicious (as in "can not be explained by various reasons such as communication and intelligence"). Your allegations are paperthin and you have no proof so you start talking about me being stupid and blind and how you guys were shocked when you specced him. All irrelevant information, which has nothing to do with Andy cheating. Please, if you reply, try to stick to Andy cheating and try to offer some proof instead of sprouting intentionally vague bullshit like "omg spec him on supply, he's soooo obvious". Even though this is just a game, I'm not gonna jump the bandwagon and say he's a cheater just because you say so.

Real proof or accept the loss like a man, thank you.
You are right, not more wasting my time with someone that lost a match for forefeit knowing his teammate was hacking.
Arguing about the hacks is stupid, you just need eyes to watch the replay and notice it. Is not 1, or 2, or 3 times so this is pathetic.
Why is it always the worst guy on a team complaining about cheats? Flushje always complains about cheaters as well lately, he even called Zero a hacker! Perhaps you should check his demos, who knows!
kArmA!Vivi* 28 44 12 1 38 8 4290 4882 238 78

And for Flushje from our perspective it was one of the best there, but when you start speaking about skill of players when we are discussing about a cheater you just tell us everything.
And BTW, you are the worst player in your team by far.. but I dont see why should we mention here that.
I wont reply you anymore, you even flame your own teammate, nice guy.

By showing me your stats from 1 map you just proof how idiotic you are. Because STATS ARE EVERYTHING eh =))

Flushje will be happy to hear you think he's one of the best in our team, the rest of the team will have a good laugh at that on vent so thanks for providing the material. You're on a roll mister! First Andy cheating, now flushje our best player. What's next? Me being the worst player of the team? Oh no, wait, you already said that :<

edit: Flushje deserved the flame for doubting his own teamplayer so easily just because someone says he's a hacker.
You are the worst player in your team and flushje is a good player, thats what all my team though not me sorry to dissapoint you.
Too much time wasted with you kid.

If im the one speaking here is cause most of them dont speak english or care to answer to a cheater lover, you played with a hacker and you got forefeit, end of story.
Please, if you say you're not gonna reply to someone, don't actually reply anymore. And I'm afraid you're wrong, as there's no way iMmi and Killerboy will be fooled by your paranoid talks so expect a 2-4 loss by the end of the night or tomorrow.

Have a nice day.
reply again -
We dont care for what Killerboy has to say, is just another opinion,that guy was cheating and now he is exposed, many guys saw the ettv replay and though the same, and we dont care for the result as we are qualified anyway.

We just have to say thanks to Goldorak for attending us and being objective, try moving all your contacts to get the result, we care shit. We wanted to expose a cheater and we have done it. If every team did that this game would be more clean.
You won us with a guy watching us through walls, that should be enough for you and a good warning for your future opponents.

Now stop replying me sir, have a nice day.

So far I only saw you and Goldorak claiming he's a hacker, which is just your opinion. He's no hacker, everybody who specs him for more than 2 minutes knows that. You and your team are simply exposed as a bunch of angry nerds who can't take a loss, that should be enough for you and a good warning for your future opponents.
Ah cmon, im not the worst, im a team player!
True, Andy is the worst cos he need hacks :-))
one thing I will mention, why did you pm me after the match whining about our "merc" stating you guys didnt allow it, rather than moaning about Andy being so "obhious"?
Stay correct plz everyone, and we will see the opinion of iMni and KB.
But for me its clear
You mind pointing out some of those obvious moments instead of a vague "check supply"? Just because you THINK he hacks, doesn't make it so and as a CB supervisor especially you have a responsibility to be NOT vague in situations like this because it could destroy a team.
OK we can meet together to watch the replay if you want, but dont insult my integrity plz.
I respect you, do the same - Thx
Where have I insulted your integrity?

You available tonight, somewhere before 7 and after 9?
Have an offi at 21h be on CB irc chan ill pm u when finish.
But we need to keep in mind then with ETTV we cant slow the replay so to see in details every action, normaly i check both in eyes demo + ettv and i do a pointer of action and if needed i do screenshots ( i cant do avi sorry )
But in here we can see enough, ill show you
Tu ultimas palabras antes del ban andy?
PD: Mañana cancelare el partido q me da pereza hoy
seriously get that kid a brain ....... you should be sprayed with chemicals moron u´re so fuckin obvious that its not even funny..... the very 1st play of the match gives u away but boy SD defense and last stage of offense are ridiculous do u really think ppl are that blind????honestly do u???
do every1 a favour and go play tic-tac-toe its a game that clearly suits your thinking abilities....
whats up here?? havent seen match .. but andy will be bsuted again?
again? so was busted allready?
forfeits doesnt count here.
flushje gl!
gl rhand
gl? Die match is gisterenavond al gespeeld :o)
waar is de score dan?
Wij hebbe 4-2 gewonnen maar ze konden niet tege hun verlies waardoor ze zijn gaan whine bij ne admin da onze rifle cheat, en dieje geloofde da nog ook dus heeft forfeit win voor hen gegeven xD
no proof no ban imo! wa nen zakken admin was da?
goldorak, enen van Brussel eej !
oh god..you lost,live with it! who the fuck you think you guys are? i never heared of you guys before the offi...and that ZEROS guy...pls :D who? and still losing..then whining really sad...

Cuando metas tanto como zeros me llamas.
PD: Si te interesa lo que digo utiliza el traductor
ni te molestes solo es un payaso unknown de 16 añitos. Estan cabreados por el chetito.
vivitore aka **** ? the whiner ? :DD

(each time we played against u irc war u said: omg! wh omg!)

Unexpected to hear that.
Rhand= Pls Isu post in gamestv saying he whines for cheats.
How sad
Welcome to ET where a team uses hacks gets caught and the other team is insulted. Keep posting bullshit from your random mates (we dont even know) to distract the fact they hacked vs us.

lol rhand isnt my mate

i just dont like u cos i know u stupid whiner :D
You dont know me whatsoever and I dont know you at all, you are just a retard flaming in a post from a team you dont know any members. Expected.
isn't u the guy 4 blue star who play always on [!!!]Hirnlos, 10 Map ? if not im sorry :p
vivi no les entres al trapo, ya sabes que esto esta lleno de niños retrasaos,y aun encima entra gente que no tiene nada que ver solo para la salsa. si es cheto pedis demos y ya os daran el partido ganado.
ignorarlos. es lo mejor que puedes hacer.
Tienes toda la razón, culpa mia por contestarles, como estos tampoco hablan demasiado inglés pues me tocaba un poco. Este que me habla ahora no se ni quien es con eso te digo todo, el partido de momento nos lo dieron por ganado a la espera de que lo mire Killerboy y otro, llevamos meses jugando y nunca nos quejamos antes de esto, este tipejo era demasiado descarado. 1saludo
btw acabo de ver la repeticion. le hace una a lucy en west de escandalo. que obvio el tio xD.