Nothing is Impossible vs [*EU*]United Soldiers of Europe (4656 views)

be fostruM
be fl0cky
nl NoHead
fr smirzz
nl woody
be Frauwe
be nAzty
de Ss-A-P
pl cisy
be P5Y
fr sword
Group C - Match 1 for nI / Match 4 for EU
05.03.10 16:00 CET
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth nI.sMiRZz 55 kills
Killing Spree [*EU*] cisy WooooodY! 7 frags without being killed
Accountant nI.NoHead 132% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot 17 gibs
...and stay dead! nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot 40% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning nI.sMiRZz 47 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! nI.NoHead 21 SPAM kills
Fragstealer [*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) 138 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! [*EU*] bjorN!o: 262 damage per frag
What objective? nI.sMiRZz 336 XP
Red Shirt [*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE 74 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? [*EU*] P5Y :{ 15 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore nI.fostruMM 170 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut nI.sMiRZz 6 team kills
Gingerbread man [*EU*] bjorN!o: 23 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
nI'SuperWoody cisy!103290353490013569650021620/02/336/230/416314757
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY!84240515962213820261901200/121/810/3221/316110174
[*EU*] bjorN!o:3622326724012363279910980/11/725/281/1024313827
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-))))))662264162100216654768973080/01/435/407/4160111511
[*EU*] P5Y :{32172185750111376276641810/02/923/310/12209134215
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE39246297430110701894852250/10/1028/421/924212829
[*EU*] 51110716532428277331856401469320/125/10121/4230/920312249
Player Summary for braundorf_b4
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
nI'SuperWoody cisy!1661412515800736052155720/01/224/60/1K/KDKK/K/KKD/KKKKKDKDKKKKXKD/K//KDKDKKKKD
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY!72772129321333633278670/112/50/1610/3DDKDSKDKDDKDKDDKKDDKDDDDKSKKDDKDDKD/KKD/TKKDKKDKKD/D
[*EU*] bjorN!o:35881131200822444189400/01/39/111/8DKDDKDKDDKDK/KDDKDDDK/DDDD/KD/K/DD/K//DDDD
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-))))))319210323014277546842190/00/47/244/2DDKKDDDKDXDDDDDDDDDKDDDK/DDDXDDDK/KDKT//KKDDD
[*EU*] P5Y :{2242731001418574069590/00/58/170/6KDDD/DDDD/DDDDDDDKDDKDKDKDDDDTDKDXDX//DKD
[*EU*] 36385571598242013129210555740/213/2133/9215/24

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
nI'SuperWoody cisy!3741381002592939360/00/03/50/1KD/DDD/DKKD
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY!1255010830131708610260/04/10/46/0/KKD/KKKKKKK/DDKDTD
[*EU*] bjorN!o:422037000264779900/00/13/30/1DKD/KK/DDD
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-))))))7517340002337652580/00/03/20/0/KDKK/D
[*EU*] P5Y :{441949200274010631040/00/14/20/4DD/K/KDKDDKDD
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE1254254000167579400/00/35/10/0KKDDK/KKDX
[*EU*] 82148253250110410739181880/04/615/126/5
Player Summary for radar
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
nI'SuperWoody cisy!3641411000314991908540/00/04/80/1DD/KDDK/XDDD/KKD
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY!130671310000420751041270/01/010/62/0K/KKDDK/KKKKDK/DKDKKK/D
[*EU*] bjorN!o:3353515100924272294180/10/05/50/0/DK//KD/D//K/KK/D/DD
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-))))))233117219701434351561310/01/018/43/1KKKDK/KK/KKKKDKKK/KKKKKT/DKKDKD
[*EU*] P5Y :{87497830031165107100/02/15/40/0DKK/KK/KDKDD/KD
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE464071520041890161000/00/25/81/2DK//DK/DD/DKDKDKXKDDKDD
[*EU*] 1063265357130124109927577760/14/343/276/3

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
nI'SuperWoody cisy!0673000010000/01/15/40/1KDD/KDKKDXKKD
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY!584671200031056126100/04/20/63/0DK//DKKDDKKKKD/DDDD
[*EU*] bjorN!o:3662719101410092628400/00/38/90/1/DKKDD/DDKDDKTDKDDKD//KDDD
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-))))))41071700060000/00/07/100/1/K/D/DDDKDKD/K/DDKD/KDKD
[*EU*] P5Y :{06209000201461180/00/26/80/2DKDKKD/KDDDXDKDDDDKDDD/D
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE4778919100415632246360/00/19/90/2/DKDKKDDDDDDKK///KDDDDKDDKKD
[*EU*] 3624830762011936287596940/04/830/423/6

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Warmup]: Pozdro Dla roCketa. Losia. rumuna. emiksa. drewna. protonica aka Zidane. ciska. ridjego. roniego. roro.
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Warmup]: pozdro samAel ; )
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Warmup]: : o)
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Warmup]: : o)
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: brutal pôwer
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: STOMME CFG
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Warmup]: pozdro Losiu piontka dzojt w kielni : PPP
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Warmup]: jackziemasz, kurwa wh woody
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Warmup]: shoutout kjell brutal & eron!
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Warmup]: ssij mi jajca woody pyrtku maly ; PP
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Warmup]: spierdalaj
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Warmup]: chuj CI w dupe ' d
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Warmup]: >ruperderup
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Warmup]: >ruperderup
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Warmup]: go go go, wanna see they mighty cisy in action
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Warmup]: :d
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Countdown]: :Pp
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Countdown]: have fun mate
[*EU*] P5Y :{ [Countdown]: GL HF
nI.fostruMM [Countdown]: gl hf
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Countdown]: yyt was pwned : P
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Countdown]: Shoutout to Ohzor4, Testi, Bradd, Brutal & Eron!
[Countdown]: [*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE Invalid password
[11:55]: [*EU*] cisy WooooodY!called a vote.
[11:54]: *** Match Reset! ***
[11:54]: Vote passed!
[*EU*] P5Y :{ [Warmup]: gg
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Warmup]: hx fo sho
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: wtf?! =D
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Warmup]: fake dc
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Warmup]: hax*
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE [Warmup]: Shoutouts to EU: Homer Ss-A-P stkz, FiF : Renegade Brutal Eron Gringoe iMmi Rhand, Titanz : Brch silvester SaH : Pimp Stino.
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE [Warmup]: |LoL|
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE [Warmup]: |LoL|
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE [Warmup]: |LoL|
nI.fostruMM [Warmup]: shoutout to tetsuo, brutal and eron
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE [Warmup]: ik moest ook nog iet speciaal doen he :D
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: sens verkloot zegt die flcoky =D
nI.NoHead [Warmup]: GL
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: GDJE VAM JE BOG SADA?!
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: online only ja =D
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Countdown]: flocky online only
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Countdown]: Shoutout to FiF, EU, Homer, stKz, Brutal, Charlieeezed, boNg, imMi, Rhand and all the rest =D
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Countdown]: gl hf
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Countdown]: :DDD
nI.fostruMM [Countdown]: TRUE
nI.NoHead [Countdown]: GL
nI.sMiRZz [Countdown]: shoutout monkey jiji
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Countdown]: gg & wp
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Countdown]: Pozdro ziomki jojojojo
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Countdown]: Shoutout to FiF, EU, Homer, stKz, Brutal, Charlieeezed, boNg, imMi, Rhand and all the rest =D
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Countdown]: gl & hf
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Countdown]: kheb het allemaal voor jullie gespaard
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [8:14]: Shoutout to FiF, EU, Homer, stKz, Brutal, Charlieeezed, boNg, imMi, Rhand and all the rest =D
[4:29]: Allies capture the factory district!
[4:28]: Axis recapture the factory district!
[1:45]: Allies capture the factory district!
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE [1:33]: |LoL|
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE [1:33]: Shoutouts to EU: Homer Ss-A-P stkz, FiF : Renegade Brutal Eron Gringoe iMmi Rhand, Titanz : Brch silvester SaH : Pimp Stino.
[1:29]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[1:15]: Allies have destroyed the Main Gate!
[1:06]: The side gate has been built!
[0:55]: Allies have destroyed the Side Door!
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE [0:50]: gg
[*EU*] P5Y :{ [0:49]: GG
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [0:47]: wp
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [0:22]: gg & wp
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 12:00
nI.sMiRZz [Countdown]: gl
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE [Countdown]: Shoutouts to EU: Homer Ss-A-P stkz, FiF : Renegade Brutal Eron Gringoe iMmi Rhand, Titanz : Brch silvester SaH : Pimp Stino.
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Countdown]: gg & wp
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Countdown]: gl & hf
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Countdown]: Shoutout to FiF, EU, Homer, stKz, Brutal, Charlieeezed, boNg, imMi, Rhand and all the rest =D
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [11:58]: hf
[11:21]: Allies capture the factory district!
[10:57]: The side gate has been built!
[10:52]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[10:34]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[10:32]: Allies have destroyed the Side Door!
[10:24]: Allies have destroyed the Main Gate!
[10:24]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[9:56]: The side gate has been destroyed!
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [9:46]: SKILLER :P
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [9:41]: <cisyyyy> I dont want to play anymore vs woody and his random target friends
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE [9:37]: Shoutouts to EU: Homer Ss-A-P stkz, FiF : Renegade Brutal Eron Gringoe iMmi Rhand, Titanz : Brch silvester SaH : Pimp Stino.
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE [9:36]: Shoutouts to EU: Homer Ss-A-P stkz, FiF : Renegade Brutal Eron Gringoe iMmi Rhand, Titanz : Brch silvester SaH : Pimp Stino.
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [8:19]: gg & wp
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [7:56]: gg & wp
[7:45]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[7:45]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[7:45]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[7:45]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[7:45]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[7:45]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 4:14 (original: 12:00)
nI.fostruMM [Intermission]: GG
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE [Intermission]: wp
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Intermission]: gg
nI.sMiRZz [Warmup]: are like a 200 ping
[*EU*] P5Y :{ [Warmup]: >> vid_restart
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Countdown]: gl fu
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Countdown]: hf guys
nI.fostruMM [Countdown]: same
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Countdown]: Pozdro komorowickie wariaty : )
[Countdown]: [*EU*] P5Y :{ Invalid password
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [11:58]: gl cisy :_)
[11:55]: [*EU*] cisy WooooodY!called a vote.
[11:54]: *** Match Reset! ***
[11:54]: Vote passed!
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Warmup]: nerds :D
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: they are hacking us :o
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: mr yannick, bitje rustig wi gie
[*EU*] P5Y :{ [Warmup]: en goan
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: =D
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Warmup]: kvond het niet vriendelijk vanje datje ons niet meenam eig naar hier :D
nI.NoHead [Warmup]: yannick is niet alleen online ongeduldig :p
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Warmup]: je woont verdomme op 30 km van me :D
nI.NoHead [Warmup]: lanprooft ongeduldigheid :p
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: we zijn donderdag al vertrokken wi =D
[*EU*] P5Y :{ [Warmup]: wie dan?
[*EU*] P5Y :{ [Warmup]: :o
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: 30 km?
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: kweun in oostende =D
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Warmup]: ewel :D
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Warmup]: 5 km
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE [Warmup]: |LoL|
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Warmup]: ben je dr trots op dat je uit belgie komt ? :D
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: de psy was chauffeur =(
[*EU*] P5Y :{ [Warmup]: 'n oto zat vul
[*EU*] P5Y :{ [Warmup]: ^^
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Countdown]: pffft :D
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Countdown]: succes mannen
[*EU*] P5Y :{ [Countdown]: io
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Countdown]: gl pizdo : D
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Countdown]: we fail :)
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Countdown]: +D
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Countdown]: =]
[11:11]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[11:02]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[10:58]: Allies have breached the Side Entrance!
[10:21]: Allies have breached the Main Entrance and secured the Forward Bunker!
[9:50]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[9:46]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[7:17]: Allies have secured the East Radar Parts!
[4:29]: Allies have secured the West Radar Parts!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 7:30
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Warmup]: kjell <3
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Warmup]: ;p
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Warmup]: eron!
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Warmup]: en brutal
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Warmup]: =)
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: xajp? =D
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: is dieje eigenlijk mee? =D
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Warmup]: ;DDDDD
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: die ging toch meekomen? +D
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Warmup]: hij moest werken
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Warmup]: die die die my darling : P
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [Warmup]: dodger =D
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Warmup]: \o
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Warmup]: o/
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Warmup]: \o
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Warmup]: o/
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Warmup]: \o
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Warmup]: o/
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Warmup]: \o
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Warmup]: :[
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Warmup]: echt wel
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Warmup]: : o)
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Warmup]: : o)
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Warmup]: :[
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Warmup]: : o)
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Warmup]: :[
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [Countdown]: gl guys, especially cisy!
nI'SuperWoody cisy! [7:28]: :=D
[6:38]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [6:34]: : o)
[5:35]: Allies have breached the Main Entrance and secured the Forward Bunker!
[5:35]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[4:46]: Allies have breached the Side Entrance!
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [4:36]: ffs
[*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) [4:35]: um=D
[2:41]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[2:37]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[0:40]: Allies have secured the East Radar Parts!
[*EU*] bjorN!o: [0:06]: wp
nI.NoHead [0:01]: wp
[0:00]: [*EU*] nAztyyy 8-)))))) disconnected
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (7:30)
nI.Fl0cky|sensverkloot [Intermission]: wp
[*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE [Intermission]: wp
[Intermission]: nI'SuperWoody cisy! disconnected
[Intermission]: [*EU*] FRW JOYRIDE disconnected
[*EU*] cisy WooooodY! [Intermission]: gg
[Intermission]: nI.sMiRZz disconnected
[Intermission]: nI.NoHead disconnected
[Intermission]: [*EU*] bjorN!o: disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.