Poland vs Keskus Rikos Poliisi (6475 views)
03.03.10 21:00 CET
Status: | Finished | Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | Enemy Territory | |
Rating: | ||
League: | #evu.cup | |
Hosting: | GamesTV.org | |
Manager: | Homer_ (Leagueadmin) | |
Maps: | Radar | |
Sw_goldrush_te | ||
On Demand | Watch this Match now. |
Broadcasted by
Enemy Territory TV |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 109
Viewer Peak: 109
Wednesday, 3rd March 2010 18:13
1st gl !
HF Sample =d
krp - komenda rejonowa policji, fintards ;/
need pl line-up cmon nOOn
nun jest juz na dworcu w tym momencie, lajnap bedzie zupelnie randomowy =D
need lu's + ettv's
i think finland wins
Its krp not team finland
not its pikachu
WEll its still full fin lineup 8)
yes its another "mix" xDDDDD
ettv pls!
GOOD LUCK tMoe aka Team Poland :D
You have 10400 on krp
Possible win: 13104
Possible win: 13104
All polaks are going to lan atm.
msg tosspot
to jest cwel i tyle
ej ty sie znasz, wez powiedz czy aima jedzie do holandii czy na crossfire bzdury wygaduja
dolar jedzie =D
ale na serio? czy jaja sobie przed lanem robią?
Aima jedzie, np.
omg gnajda omg
no lineup no funn :<
oh wait...
oh wait...
blured vision szturem kadre polski zdobywa!
4:0 krp
sadly we had to play against poland.low squad. would have been more interesting against the real team-poland
sadly we had to play against poland.low squad. would have been more interesting against the real team-poland
3 rifles in team poland interesting :s
slaby ten sklad jakis ...
co to kurwa jest plz ! fixerr o_0 co to za sklad ?