Lost Soldiers vs #Perception.et (6634 views)

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Perception dropped from the tourney!
07.03.10 02:45 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Crossfire Intel Challenge 7
Hosting: Crossfire.nu
Manager: essAh (Highadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 44830
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 50


wiesiu !!
pr0sze wygrAjcie xD
drunkers team gonna win xD
pokazcie ze potraficie grac :)
You have € 110 on de lost^ Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2493.7
GL lost^ <3
nie bardzo rozumiem , myslalem ze odpadli calkiem z turnieju? o co tutaj beda grac?
miejsca w koncowej klasyfikacji =)
i bet on lost :o please perception fail as much like against JungleBird,drink a lot please :d
no more wiesiek :-) -> wiesiek back. n1 tbh
gl lost
GL Wiesiu! (:
all my money on lost <333

pälza powah!
:X sad but true.
50 auf euch jungs!
no server ?
gogo ls :]]]]]]]]
good luck Perception :>
WHAT THE FUCK 23h45, 1h00, 1h45 !!!

i fuck this ! good night !
a tam wiecej czekania niż oglądania
no i jeszcze 30 minut czekac...
lmaoooo When this shit gonna start =/
I'm not expecting this to start anytime soon :( Haven't seen lost & perception for the whole day
lol polaks drinking again? :D
fuck this, goodnight!
rumours are that perception left the tourney!
I wonder why
omfg i hope this ain't true
xd it is
KirurG1 has composed 0 news, 666 comments [...]

Damn if perception play tonight i win bet :D cause its seems like some polishes are drunk
oh shit didnt see cancelled :'(
lol niggas please, egoquitted. at least tMoe did well.