to Make odds even vs Team Dignitas (12654 views)

Winner Bracket Semi's
06.03.10 20:00 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 | |
Hosting: | | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Not announced | |
On Demand | ![]() |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 534
Viewer Peak: 534

gl RELOAd and Matias!
bedzie ciezko ;] ale damy rade gl hf tMoe
izi 4 tmoe !
sick match
gogo Dignitas <3
gogo Dignitas <3

chlopaki daja dzis czadu daje wszystko na was nie zawiedzcie mnie ;)
macie to urwac skurwiele

jakie trzeba miec przykre zycie zeby ogldac takie gowna , a tych co sie tym emocjonuja to nawet nie ma co komentowac
jakie trzeba miec przykre zycie zeby wyladowywac kompleksy na gtv
widze ze wziales to do siebie, nie moja wina ze twoimi idolami sa night i reload ktorzy jak widac na zdjeciu w prawdziwym zyciu to jakies pizdy co z wf maja ledwo 2
no to juz widac jakie masz w zyciu priorytety, 6 z wfu xdddddddd w sam raz sie nada do kopania rowow
no twoim priorytetem jest kolejne offi o 22 w sobote
nie zesraj sie czasem, bo mamie klopotu z praniem narobisz znowu
Najsmutniejsze jest to ze nigdy nie ogarniesz jak bardzo uposledzony jestes ;( Kazdy twoj coment jaki przeczytalem jest tak biedna wypocina dalna ze az zal na to patrzec. Pls die ;(
co to daln? naucz sie pisac zanim zaczniesz cos do mnie pierdolic 13 latku
Tylko potwierdzasz moje slowa wiesniaku :)
jakie trzeba miec przykre zycie zeby kupowac do gry internetowej haxa
sorry ale 50 zl to dla mnie nie jest jakis gigantyczny wydatek
omg! idle take tag dignitas? omg! <3

tmoe dont have a chance with them ;( ;( ;( ;(
co to za cipy?
reaload i night.. dobre po chuju nie?
i juz wiecej pytan nie mam xD ;DD
juz znamy tajemnice ich skilla
xDD haaahahaha xDDDDD rozjebaned xDdD
spasl sie RELOAd jak po chuju :o
go go go go chlopaki:)))))))))))))))) buziak dla grubaska :P
Dignitas drago!

izi 4 bejbuszka :d
again no servers -.- gg
go PL !!!
omg Franc!s omg !
You have € 61 on tMoe
Possible win: € 370.27
Possible win: € 370.27
You have 100 on pl tMoe
Possible win: 600
Possible win: 600
You have 101 on tMoe
Possible win: 606
Possible win: 606
maybe some server ??? omg
next delay for sure
lol where ettv serv?
Total Slots: Auto
Used Slots: 0
Viewer Peak: 123 <---
Total Slots: Auto
Used Slots: 0
Viewer Peak: 123 <---
it was 123 ppl joined and then resheduled.
They didn't start yet, if matchserver isn't known, u got no ETTV, be patient.
cant :D
Go reload!!
ciezka przeprawa ale mam nadzieje ze dacie rade !
zaraz wrocimy!
edek <3
maciejki <3 =d
edek <3
maciejki <3 =d
more slotow moze?;p

we will add as many slots as needed as soon as players join a matchserver
need a shoutcast !
prefer tosspot xD
prefer tosspot xD
You DISAPPOINT me, son.
u are shoutcasting other match !
u are shoutcasting other match !
Indeed! Just wanted to have another pm in my inbox :{D
fuuu :D! next pm incomming
need a shoutcast !
prefer tosspot Franciszek xD
is it ok for u now ??
need a shoutcast !
prefer tosspot Franciszek xD
is it ok for u now ??

in my pants :{DD

in my pants :{DD
that was strange xD
reload and night getting fatter evey year :o
says you
polaks into looser bracket and they will possibly meet them again in final
polaks will win
2-0 tMoe, edain saved the gold
2:0 kurwas
2:0 tMoe
jedziecie Panowie, mowilem Ci numer, ze pobierzecie ich :D
2-0 tMoe :D
6:58 dignitas
4-0 tMoe
4-0 tmoe :o
wp frag`stealer
wp ;D
musze przyznac gratulacje panowie
fking shit
Absolutely nice match by tmoe :-)
You have 100 on pl tMoe
You won 640
nice :)
You won 640
nice :)
mowilem ze bedzie 4:0
You have 20 on pl tMoe
You won 128
You have 20 on pl tMoe
You won 128
You have 250 on pl tMoe
You won 1600
k thx bai
You won 1600
k thx bai
You have 47 on tMoe
You won 300.8
You won 300.8
You have 250 on pl tMoe
You won 1600
You won 1600
4-0 tMoe : D
You have 101 on pl tMoe
You won 646.4
You won 646.4
You have 800 on dignitas
You lost
=( it's unreal. polaks team own diginitas? lol!
You lost
=( it's unreal. polaks team own diginitas? lol!
holy crap
You have 5 on pl tMoe
You won 32
You have 5 on pl tMoe
You won 32
gl kurwa chlopaki <333333333!
unbeliveble.... nothin to say
nie wierze
You have 25 on pl tMoe
You won 160
EDAIN you are so fucking skilled <333
You won 160
EDAIN you are so fucking skilled <333
pieknie kurwa 8D
Po prostu pieknie to zrobili :)
wat wat wat
so did dignitas drop out or do they still have a chance?
they face the winner of Phantoms & P&P so still have a chance
is there any bracket at all? is this groups or knockout already?
Frag Stealer was insane. wp ! :>
they are lagging @ lan too FAGS plskifgs
what the fuck, rly well played from tmoe :d
You have 100 on gb dignitas
You lost
You have 100 on gb dignitas
You lost
ale urwal !
Full SZACUN tMoe... finally... LAN for PROLAN:D!!! >:
ale to bylo dobre!
colt headshots from 312231231231123 meters away by frag stealer wp : O)
and nothing, i can comment and i do it
wp !
ferus is too bad,he was inactive for so long its like they play 4v5
ale urwal!
Holy Shit ! Awesome guys !
Top3 ! 8)
Top3 ! 8)
most beautiful game i have ever seen... I AM GONNA CRY ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(
You have 100 on pl tMoe
You won 640
danke poltards :D
You won 640
danke poltards :D
polak power made the difference!
no squall no win en meme temps :<
what a shame. low stays low
imo i think dignitas lost on purpose to face rockit in the final
I hope dignitas to take revenge tmoe in a match for a 3d place, then to win over a finale
4evo ty tak za nih boleesh :D
hah, ja ne za idle. a imenno za team- dignitas. es4e s 2003 =). hz . liked :-*
nice one! ;d
wypierdalaj z tym gownem jebany maslaku, moze to jest smieszne dla twojej zdaunionej rodziny
hahahaah :DDDDD
You have 365 on gb dignitas
You lost
You lost
wp edain! :]
You have 20 on pl tMoe
You won 128
You won 128
You have 100 on pl tMoe
You won 640
You won 640
nice krein :) wp tMoe!
funny the cod4 tmoe team also beat the cod4 dignitas team
You have 16079 on gb dignitas
You lost
mhm =]
You lost
mhm =]
auch :x
WP =D!