sAint Reality. vs DreamTeam. (3378 views)

se znAAAAArk
nl LOff3l
bg rAse
pl sScofield
pl dim
pl dream
07.03.10 15:45 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: sHiFti (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 515
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 4


fake stRL :<
Fake dreamteam :<
we are another clan and that was our first offi
they make ettv and they gived us in DreamTeam.
we wanna change clan name in near future

sorry 4 my english :)
fucking fake teams!
fake strl wtf
who cares. this strl is good, the other one sucks donkeyballs.

gl znarki <333

btw why you're playing with apuokas ?
this strl is shit
what is the other team?

this team is:

znArk (pwner)
Loff3l (must be a cheater cos hes like medskilled or more and i never heard of him)
rAse (etBot customer)
4:0 dt :> gg wp (accept score i want my money :< )
etbot customer? XD u made my day mate
bla bla bla
blah blah blah
rly big ego after match cancell bets

osama i tak ich zapierdoli
what? :D
cmon man :> 4:0 dreamteam or im gonna talk to the admin on gamestv :>
All i want to save my money im business man please understand xD
im sending message to essah now so :>
Manager: sHiFti (Requestee)

Retard =)
gtfo fintard cheater ":D"
hehehe retard xDDD canceled in cb toooo ??