erAse #DevineGaming vs karma (4282 views)

nl esSe
at DonMatthias
gb Nips
fi dTEC7
fi BossHK
es bLu!
es LuC!FeR
es Vivitore
es ZeRo$^^
es Zuhn
10.03.10 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: DonMatthias (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 20839
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 3


gl erAse <3
gl boss & dtec7 :D
No Don no win.
GL Elefag
No Don no win.
GL erAse anyway. :)
gl BossHK
gl bosshk, dtec7, element and Ap0c
What no don? Whats ani and esse doing in the lineup :Z And BossHK..
5v5 ladder, not 8
Don johnson ur playing man, I cant make it..

Besides, esse wants me to be back up all the time :<

And lold at "Ain"mal :DD
olol u backup??
u should go main rifle btw
yes okay, but who will revive esse then, nobody else wants to :D
he doesnt deserve to be revived :|
Gl Erase
gl donito and essito
gl BossHK ;)
prepare for flame about cheatin ;)

gl don!
We have played vs them already and it was a nice match, .Although they are much more skilled than us we preferr playing vs this type of teams than vs low+ with hacks like your team that get a forefeit loss for hacking. Don't worry we feel your pain BITCH.
dunno what ur thinkin (allready know u cant live with a loss but we can handle it easily cuz et isnt the mainpart in our life)
ur just a whiner which is acting like a little girl (btw should the lowest guy of a team stop talking about skills imo =/ ), have fun with ur defwin cuz its the only way u could win.
cu again during the cup(allready waiting for ur next excuses)
hf with this game now
Actually they don't whine, ever. And they have very nice teamplay. Defwin=win.
Expect today :)
We are sorry we couldnt get 5 stable, we were 3 from karma 5 mins before the match and we really tried to get 5. We had few chances with 5 of our team and 0 with 2 mercs^^.

For this Bitch guy I dont know what he pretends, we have quite a few matches behind us with many different opponents and no one ever complained for our attitude as we are no angry kids or flamers .
So Bitch if you want rage against someone rage against your mate for using hacks on an official match, and leave Karma or me alone, the more low you call me the more high you make me, so thanks.

As always nice playing vs you Erase and sorry for our 5th +delays and this bullshit posted from another match.
sry i dont blamed ur team man (the rest was friendly and fine)...i just wrote that ur the whiner, cuz no1 of ur team said anything about that...think about during the cup and cya at the playoffs :>
at least i belive, bitch isn't cheating, know him pretty long <.<
gl matthias and dtec
gl karma!!

special gl to vivi!!!
VAAAMOS JODER QUIERO VER LA RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PD:SUCIO aprende a jugar putaaaaaaaaa :P
gl DonMatthias if you play
You have € 10 on es karma
Possible win: € 507
sorry taba viendo el futbol. :(
tranqui, es que estabamos 3
gg wp

You have € 10 on es karma
You lost
You have € 10 on es karma
You lost
You have  59 on es karma
You lost.

No Ap0c, yes win. I had hot sex though so no problem.
gl Done a Nipsy