CodeLust vs cs3r (6302 views)

fi Demz0r
fi Salaneuvos
fi Supersimo
fi Jewe
fi Sinfulsebastian
pl Upload
de reltu
nl spidahh
18.03.10 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: demzor (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
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Total Pot: € 25093
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 21


1st GL CodeLust
GL reLtu & spidah :))
danke dir mein freund
GL reLtu
gl shmolax..
reltu low
hf reltu hyde
gl hyde m8
gl hyde
izi for dem
gl demzor salaneuvos tele jewe sebastian!
gl spidah :)
gl codelust
our lineup will be :
lol co to za fake cs3r izi codelust
izi for upload ;))
Let's see if spidah is ec worthy
2izi for jewe sebastian salaneuvos
gl tele demzor
gl demzor & other nerds :)
GL both ...

I'm kidding ; GL cs3r :)
better luck this time code :)
gl hide
no tele no win:D
still gl codelusti
cheaters vs cheaters

hard to decide 8(
No cheaters or ex-cheaters on our team:)
no i guess not, just random new med/+'ers

aka cheaters
do i smell bitterness?!?!?
We've been playing patched for 3 years with pretty much this same team, how does that make us new?
sebastian & Salaneuvos (?) are both playing etpro like 6months, pls xD
Well we've been playing actively on patched since august 2007, if that's 6 months before now well.. then you are right
different story everytime
K, cba to fight with some random looking for approval anymore
They have been playing for pretty long together, played with them few years back. That was 2.55 tho, great players, but somewhat too serious gamers for me.
basically my point. 2.55 3yrs -> 2.6b 6months = med/+ OKI
What part of (we've been playing patched for 3 years already) can't u get?
suprise artstar whining about hax and newcomers when ur own skill is low+ ":D"
i've rolled u so many times in the past, the only time u've beaten me is when soossi was playing so u are low+ not me
What "Divine" said.. you're just a whiner.. take it or leave it..
reltu & upload are cheating from ur team, the only reason u cant see it is because you are so desperate to achieve some 4th league oc or something.
divine is webe,also busted already twice and prolly still cheating...
he is as clean as the dishes when ud one them lol
Webe has been busted before.
you are retarded
ok man, thanks for calling me retarded <3 you should look in the mirror btw <3
how old are u kiddo?
says the guy who said he should play EC/OC premier
6 years playing and your still oc 4th div skill
like i said, ur just a desperate lowskiller who wants some low division pocal.
Why not?
because he's so desperate for it that he's recruited 3 cheaters?
Upload,reltu and Webe?

e: well actually i dunno about webe i havent played vs him except i think when he was playing with Bozar (2009) and then he wasnt cheating imo, but reltu and upload are both cheating.
reltu isnt cheating you idiot
thanks for the infos, now tell me who you are and why i should give a shit about your opinion?
i am a reallife mate of reltu and i can say with 100 % reliability that he is clean!
i dont give a shit. if someone said irl that gnajda was clean, i would tell them to fuck off.

so ill say to you, fuck off.
like u ;)
ein wenig cheaten ist immer drinn, aber reltu ist clean ;(
i am hehehe but undetected haxx : "
izi for demzor and sala =) gl
gl perflex
sebastian =D !
gl Patryk
You have € 100 on eu cs3r Cancel bet
Possible win: € 234

ty for advice spidaa :))
gl demz0r
gl reltu
codelust! :)
kiitti ja olenhan aivan ylivertainen deliveryssä joten onnea tuskin tarvin ;-D
Ban these fags, reltu is obviously cheating.
who the fuck is he anyways? german?! did i miss something? :-D
gl codelust
ei me tommosis mapeis varmaan parjata..

delivery @ 5on5 ;_; itkettaa valmiiks, rahat vaan codelustille
miks pelaatte deliveryn ?
gl spidahh
2 izi for hyde
gl spidah<3
You have € 53 on eu cs3r Cancel bet
Possible win: € 121.37

gl codelust
gl reltu cheater
gl reltu :*
AHA :D j'espère aussi qu'ils vont gagner :O
You have € 30 on fi codelust
Possible win: € 51

You have € 70 on eu cs3r
You lost

well played guys.. I think we made too many stupid mistakes, we can only learn from that :)
Like we didn't fuck deli up:/
no myonna etta te olitte 600 kertaa parempia :D

delivery on ny tommonen turhake, supplys meil nyt oli ihan hyva defe lopus, jos oltas lippua pidetty minsa oltas viety :/
my panzers for the win!

mistakes, mistakes - in general I think that game was just crappy (at least for us) - pretty much like the last offi we played :o
You have € 55 on fi codelust
You won € 93.5

You have € 100 on eu cs3r
You lost.... dam dam daaam
You have € 250 on fi codelust
You won € 425

no problem pfff
You have € 19 on cs3r
You lost
You have € 250 on eu cs3r
You lost

fuck u