CodeLust vs eXert (5525 views)

fi Demz0r
fi Salaneuvos
nl 7ele
fi Jewe
fi Sinfulsebastian
pl Ninel
pl Woozie
es dIZEL
pl Kirej
16.03.10 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: demzor (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 32669
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 23


gl jewe demzor sebastian tele
omg 7ele omg
gl woozie and kirej
gl codelust!
omg 7ele omg
sally will deliver :D
GL EXERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
laat ze een poepie ruiken, 7ele :D
gl fins
gl code
gl code ;D
gl Codelust

all in so dare to lose on my
gl pol
gl .:ICBM:.Telefusion
You have € 6700 on pl eXert Cancel bet
Possible win: € 46833
gl eXert & Sally :)
gl rS*
sala and sebastian will rape 4 sho
go eXertje
gl codelust
gl eXert
You have € 40 on pl eXert Cancel bet
Possible win: € 253.2 :D izi :D GL eXertyy :p
goodluck codelust :)
gl CodeLust :)
gl woozie
gl codelust
gl demzor salaneuvos tele jewe sebastian kirej!
2izi for finS
omg 7ele omg
gl dizel
dizel pause, obczajka pozycji axisow;D
epic fail is epic
You have € 121 on pl eXert
You won € 274.67

thx :>
nice ;d
omfg guyssssssssssss
btw, what are the cb rules if the server crashes for approx. one min?

edit: not that we're going to file any complaint but i'm just curious
We changed the time,so don't you dare file any complaint!
score was already accepted before I commented, and read above.
You have € 250 on fi codelust
You lost

seriously wtf?
the same Jason -.-
You have € 1000 on codelust
You lost
Liar, you only had 100:D
1 zero more or less you disappointed me :D