Komedia vs CRUDELIA (6693 views)

02.12.06 20:00 WET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest_final

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 141



line up crudelia:
nunca, smokey, nick, barthezz, skazi, (shitty, kiss, vindi, grader, rain, eq??)
gl nick
lal ?
wat is er zo grappig ? :o
gl Nick,smokey,nunca (:p) grader , rain , kiss, barthezz (<3) & skazi.

lineup: smokey, nunca, skazi, nick (?), kiss + rain/barthezz/nekz
eazy bash 4 crudelia
lol crudelia ettv? ;o
gl skazi!
Komedia lineup?
beCrudelia lineup:

be Nunca
be Smokey
be Kiss
be Skazi
xi TBA
xi TBA

The 2 tba's will be known before the match starts, no worries there :)

Gogo Crudelia! :D
ik doe ook mee :<
:< gl dan!
kwas ni zkr, gad toch gezegd dadde zo ne prac ad ofzo? :)
ez bash

Lineup be#Crudelia :

be Smokey
be Nick
be Kiss
be Nunca
fi Shitty
be Skazi

nl Barthezz
be Grader
be Nekz
be Rain
nl Eq/hope
rofl a full backup team :D :D :)
umm btw nunca, my dad is angry @ me again and steals my internet after 20:00
so i won't be there :(
hey, kiss!
why don't you stfu? I remember last time you had lineup probs, so shut the hole now
Your bet: 163€ on [Komedia]
Possible Win: 815 € (+652 €)
Why do you Fins hate Swedish guys? :<
Finland ppl jokes about swedish, swedish jokes about norwegeans, norwegeans jokes about finnish ppl...
belgians joke about dutch people (Netherlands)
dutch people joke about belgian...
slovenians joke about serbians
serbians are stupid
norwegians only joke about swedes :P
hehe every country just joke about swedis gaylords:D
and ofc serbians joke how stupid slovenians are
srbe na vrbe, chetnik
Belgian power! :p
Parodia wannabes. 8)
topic: ollaan niiku paska parodia...
eaZ baSh for crudelia!

minaattori humiliation.avit tulos
this is going to be the GOTY
lol, approx 50 000 € in pot just for a match between 2 unknown clans :) :o :D

btw, Crudelia will win, komedia, start crying already :D
tr00 komedia gonna get owned :@
yep... but what you gonna do? =(
they are well known kiss is founder of 1-day cup and nunca is high :p
nunca is med and known, treu, kiss is a bit known, treu too, but Crudelia as clan is most unknown :)
crudelia wins for sure if shitty plays
of course they will win
comedia ofc =) (p.s i betted my last money on u!) and shitty sucks ^^
just so you know, shitty is a good player :s
komedia lineup? u got some more players in your team at cb
well if every fin player says that their team is going to lose, then it must be true!
Or they are just fucking up the odds ^^
gl nunca -_-
met je gare belgische stem ;)
parodia wnbs? :o
gl shitty ,skazi and smokey =)
so wats lineup now bcuz in your cb team are sheep danone and other good players
danone and sheep were added too late, due to the 24hour rule on cb they can't play.
same with kevin :)
skazi <3 gl & hf
Easy for Komedia if they have the best lineup which would include half the 141 lineup if you look at CB ^^
yeah, what ever, we will see how it goes:p
normally our lineup(crudelia) always changes 5min. before the match, because some players don't show up!
thats why we have that much back ups!:d:p
lineup will be told in #clan.komedia 5min before the game
lets own some finnish :)
We will lose :<, and they want ettv.
i fäct crudelia will win ;l
i think komedia is joking us :P
if they finished work its komedia 4:0 crudelia
Imo its pretty clear to Crudelia, cuz Komedia cant use their new players, so yeh. Just bet to crudelia imo, easy bash. And easy money!
sheep can play, danone can play maybe and kevin can't play because of the clanbase 24h. rule.
you'll see that in the game... no point fighting about who's playing...
sheep can only play from 21.10, so we'll rup fast :D
easy for crudelia
My money on CRUDELIA !!!
Nick 性 can't stand your face zegt:
kga me best doen ma kzet toch aal me geld op de andere
sam zegt:
Your bet: 535€ on CRUDELIA
Possible Win: 963 € (+428 €)
wow u luv u <3
gogogo LuKsu ;)
sorry fing.. disappointment 2 u <3
gl bekiss!

lol @ odds :s, crudelia> finnish tbh
crudelia will win easy
who are these 2?
all on crudelia
omg nice 141 line-up
wp komedia

only cool that you played with 4 "141" players
4 players?
ye k "only" 3
stop whining kids, pls :<
it was 3 you retarded mongol
Dont pay attention to them :p
He's right and it's still bullshit.
Your bet: 8125€ on [Komedia] Possible Win: 12919 € (+4794 €)
woef woef nvm them gg
lol @ Komedia line up -.-
lol @ you losing money :>
Exactly :<, good for future reference: Never bet if you don't know proper lineup xD
viewer peak: 141 gg
nice liars :)
where did we lie, no one asked us the lineup in person
i'm talking to all who said: "eays for crudelia" and then bet on komedia :)
crudelia wud have won if 141 was non-existing
:D true
thats why we got em sherlock
ok next time ill have my good friends urtier and butchji playing
Viewer Peak: 141 ^^
im the real one you wnb :D
haha won 17 euros =)
wow thats the pownage
als ge maar een Total Capitalvan 49 euro hebt :p