Belgium vs Croatia (12722 views)
16.03.10 21:45 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET SW NationsCup XIII | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Not announced | |
On Demand | ![]() |
Broadcasted by
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![]() By: mistaken |
![]() Language: English |
Total Slots: 100
Listener Peak: unknown
Listener Peak: unknown
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![]() By: kURS (ettvd) | |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 211
Viewer Peak: 211

1st, gl goat farmer suvi
lol vila cheater , first ! :D
I'm not in team belgium ^^ , R madrid out of CL HAHA xD
Frogs > R.Madrid
R.Madrid -> First @ Ligue BBVA :D bye bye Barcelona!
Lyon > Real Madrid !!!!!!!
A belgian tard flaming a spanish guy about footbal :D:D:D
hf frozz & gmx
nubje,move to europe!
thx though
thx though
gl frozz
izi 4 maus and kevin :D.
good luck boys! ;)
worm ?
get team edit back =P

Where is
Where is

inactive :(
Best players
has at the moment, good luck boys!

aCoZz ??!??!


instead of?
2 players instead of 1, NC back to 6on6?
not sure who will play yet :-) but i know gmx won't ! gmx is worth 2 anyways :D
i know the exact lineup, you cortana dicks always stick together and suck each other off
tell me.
suvi frozz calisto rimi komar
gl Kevin, Miss Epic, suVi
siL,Jere,Kevin,mAus,vila = izi win :D
GL Belgium <3
GL Belgium <3
uNDEAd > at least vila and sil :)
comparing rifles to smg's , okay!
just comparing players, not noting different classes :)
I'm sorry that he's just better than you :$
I'm sorry that he's just better than you :$
you idiot, they play different weapons.
and dont talk to me you nasty polish prick
and dont talk to me you nasty polish prick
you just don't make sense tard:D
seriously, sup with you people responding to me with these gay comments..
you must be the tards if u don't get that I'm just trying to say that one player is better than the other..
you must be the tards if u don't get that I'm just trying to say that one player is better than the other..
How can a goalkeeper be worse then an attacker on a football field ,moron
;DDDDDD great comparing those, just great!
rofl, you still dont get it :d
messi is een beter speler dan stijn stijnen.
das zever en da weet ge zelf , vergelijk appelen met peren..
De vergelijking is niet Buffon - Messi of Stijnen - Lukaku maar Buffon-Casillas , of Messi-Lukaku
Gatachterlijk om Contador te vergelijken met Tom Boonen,.. Juist hetzelfde...
Maarja , waarom reply ik op nonames die nooit op hoog niveau hebben gespeeld / zullen spelen en er dus geen verstand van hebben
Feit is dat ik 1 van de 6 ben die NC gewonnen heeft en geen enkele van deze lineup heeft dat nagedaan
Conclusie : Momenteel lig ik nog mijlenver voor qua achievements
De vergelijking is niet Buffon - Messi of Stijnen - Lukaku maar Buffon-Casillas , of Messi-Lukaku
Gatachterlijk om Contador te vergelijken met Tom Boonen,.. Juist hetzelfde...
Maarja , waarom reply ik op nonames die nooit op hoog niveau hebben gespeeld / zullen spelen en er dus geen verstand van hebben
Feit is dat ik 1 van de 6 ben die NC gewonnen heeft en geen enkele van deze lineup heeft dat nagedaan
Conclusie : Momenteel lig ik nog mijlenver voor qua achievements
jaja, ge hebt meer bereikt, ma nu stelde niks meer voor. PUNT
Jah jonge, je bent echt KANKERPRO :DDD
egoboy, sterf anders met je lome instelling en kutcommentaar
egoboy, sterf anders met je lome instelling en kutcommentaar
Ik speel al lang genoeg op een degelijk niveau en heb nooit problemen gehad tegen u of enige andere "highskilled" speler, en zo slecht zalk ook wel nie zijn alsk bijna elke game dak tegen u heb gespeeld highest damage en best medic had :P Nie iedereen speelt voor efame of om ergens te geraken, ik heb welgeteld 2 (a 3) clans gehad op al die jaren dak ET heb gespeeld en meer als genoeg plezier gehad. Meer moet da voor mij nie zijn. Best wel zielig als da voor u meer MOET zijn.
Ik heb nie gezegd da gulle geen goei team waard he, alleen da ge wel van niveau verschille kunt spreke als ge het over sportmanne op verschillende posities of in verschillende sporten hebt, dus waarom ge u zo aangevalle voelt snapk langs geen kante.
Ik heb nie gezegd da gulle geen goei team waard he, alleen da ge wel van niveau verschille kunt spreke als ge het over sportmanne op verschillende posities of in verschillende sporten hebt, dus waarom ge u zo aangevalle voelt snapk langs geen kante.
@ fostrum ,Waar zeg ik da misschien? Mongool
waarom zo boos schatje? ongesteld?
zeto > *
das dan ook weer mooi jao ma die heb ik nog nooit zien spele :>
die heeft ook geen muren dus ja (:
dies er mee aant lache jong, die zeto heeft meer hax getest als heel de ET community tesame :D
uNDEAd should finally get a chance since hes a god
gl jere maus suvi bosshoer
gl sil boss & suvi.
Miss_epic will deliver
You have 3000 on be BEL
You lost
You lost
damagee mAus was not play hhaha , mAus will own your croatia team ^^
j'ai tenté de te comprendre, et je n'ai pas réussi.
what kartez said
Gl vila !
MISS_EPIC > all!!
GL vila, Kevin, suvi
especially to Aimer with big A - mAus
especially to Aimer with big A - mAus
you might want to edit the LUs
no maus no kevin no vila no player
most probable LU :
uNDEAd (mAus, uNDEAd, whats the difference)
no maus no kevin no vila no player
most probable LU :
uNDEAd (mAus, uNDEAd, whats the difference)
HF Fostrum & uNDEAd ;)
gl cherry :))
gl danL
easy for chry
mééééééé undead @ nc ??? ET IS FINALLY DEAD
go go belgium !!
GL Maus
gl be vs cortana
LU: Jere, chry, undead, sil & fostrum GL HF !
I think you forgot mAus
yesteday I bet mAus becos he dont think
:XD anyway have fun!
chry is new mAus so nP
gl dennis and fostrum <3
ah ge gaat vn vent en ge komt hier poste, wanne stabnerdje zijt ge toch :S
hahahha ge gebruikt mn woord méé im happy for you :)
stomme kutstabnerdje witje :)
stomme kutstabnerdje witje :)
chry in the line up :o ok all my money on croatia :D
now you prolly did all the money on BE :D
Gl mAus Hf Frozz
You have 2500 on be BEL Cancel bet
Possible win: 3150
Possible win: 3150
croatie que des low c pas srx tout ca
et c'est toi qui dit ça mister ICE
You have 149 on CRO
Possible win: 727.12
Possible win: 727.12
You have 4000 on hr CRO Cancel bet
Possible win: 17920
Possible win: 17920
I see you trust your own team
You have 100 on hr CRO Cancel bet
Possible win: 451
Possible win: 451
You have 1535 on hr CRO Cancel bet
Possible win: 6093.95
Possible win: 6093.95
jullie hebben in dit geval alle drie gefaald:D
siL heeft nog gecancelled, kad da beter ook gedaan
ma die kroaten waren een maandje geleden echt nog fucking goed
ma die kroaten waren een maandje geleden echt nog fucking goed
gl to croatians .
upam da jih boste nabil u guzice :)
upam da jih boste nabil u guzice :)
gl BE, gl fostruM als je speelt ^^ <3
You have 20 on be BEL Cancel bet
Possible win: 27.6
Possible win: 27.6
seems like there ain't a single person in that can be trusted to run the team.
This is way off from the lu that was promised
This is way off from the lu that was promised
you cant force ppl to play, can you?
some ppl got other stuff to do or can't be arsed to play, so be it, we'll play with others then
some ppl got other stuff to do or can't be arsed to play, so be it, we'll play with others then
no but when you go for the "job" of team-manager, its expected that u'll get that full lu to play or at-least 3/4 out of the 5.
that would be the good case scenario idd, but you cant really blame ana for what happened imo
spiroze for captaincy !!!! he best captain in ET!! mééé
gl belgium
Good luck Jere chry undead sil fostrum calisto & frozz :*
xd u dont wanna pick a fight with that guy in a bar :)
This guy was a fucking beast... some time ago
no prasko no win
gl putas!

You have 5022 on CRO
Possible win: 16472.16
you better dont lose frozz
Possible win: 16472.16
you better dont lose frozz
i can feel the pressure
good !
he felt the pressure and collapsed
you better dont lose frozz
you better dont lose frozz
you better dont freeze loss
lol, you said freeze :P
sup MATE
hernesupp :P
gl fostrum
lineup bel???
Izi for BE (;
gl BEL
You have 40 on be BEL Cancel bet
Possible win: 55.6
You have 40 on be BEL Cancel bet
Possible win: 55.6
gl fostrum :)
yea gl fostrum! YO!:D
viLe -> vila?
when does the ettv switch on ?
fixed the .be lineup
kurwa i bet 4 mAus
ettvs should be online now
izi for BE, hf
cro lineup fixed
why isnt mAus playing ?
Score ?
ahaha no maus no win!
you were casting the game?
I was
any way to listen to the cast now?
it will be up for download tomorrow on the fps-radio site (
still waiting :(
yeah, the ftp info got lost somewhere, waiting for my "boss" to get me a new ftp account set up
3-0 BE
You have 292 on hr CRO :(
how can u fuck up when u start so well?
how can u fuck up when u start so well?
love the rap
lost all my money thx frozz!
same! now lets play in a pool
4:0 gg
epic fail :D
You have 100 on hr CRO
You lost!
You lost!
I cancelled my bet. I had a feeling!
that tonight's gonna be a good good night!
I just made that bet for zeh jokes but I forgot to cancel it xD
I just made that bet for zeh jokes but I forgot to cancel it xD
so instead of a good night it is a bad night? :(
nah care bout emoneyz :D its all about e-fame =))
well, you're now the belgian ninja
was i right suvi? cortana ftl
5 crolows is at least 1 too much.
suvi, you suck
wp be
wp be
so how do you like my prediction
why are you bitter? i told you i know it exactly because you are so predictable and you cortana people are like a big exclusive gay group
you make no sense?
You have 1000 on hr CRO
You lost
You lost
you still make no sense how can a prediction be bitter?
why would i be bitter, would you please make some sense and explain yourself so i can understand you
is this the
Belgium - B - Team ?

damn even with Belgium's C or D team we win :D
ettvod not working for me
Ne kuzim kako ste mogli izgubit ...
stvarno ...
stvarno ...
gledaj i uci :D
replay doesn't work