injurious vs Saiko (4919 views)

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21.03.10 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: deviaty (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 11007
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


Gl us
gl saiko !
En Yeoh whine niet tegen me op crossfire:(
iz for tom
meklari! gl!
gl parraflex :) and inj
Gl iNj
gl ironiFFFFFF :D:D:D:D

pak ze saiko :D
gl inj
You have € 50 on iNj'
Possible win: € 232.5
Goodluck Saiko :D
go go meklarim8 !
omg bonusmies omg
rofl parraflex's first war on ETTV, yet calling me an unknown. nice one!

nevertheless good luck to you.
ahaha first war on ETTV hahahahhahaah you make me laugh

do you know there's a hidden link ( with which you can search for any particular clan, player and much more? the result of my search was one single war containing a player with your name.
hidden link as in everyones navigation bar!
that was a joke! : )
nah mate, this is our third offi, all 3 on ETTV and iirc he played some with another team also ;) Just wish me good luck bruv!
I don't know what happened to my Polish internet, but when I checked yesterday there only was one match. Had to be some kind of error.
zielige kanker lijertje
je moeder en je vader heeft kanker, je bent hun zoon : )
lol fyrre aka pannukakku still playing
fyrre aint cb banned so why he couldnt play :D
access denied
netherlanderssit ottaa pataaan
gl ironif :P
why is everybody wishing that noob good luck lol?
You have € 115 on nl sKo. Cancel bet
Possible win: € 172.5
Do cancel before you lose ya moneyzz
gl Cheeze!
gl woony !;*
someone wish me gl! plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ;(
gL Jake! Owner! Teamcarrier!
gL Jake Owner ! Teamcarrier!
gl ironic, twizzzzzzt!!!
gl trick
Gl parraFlex (:
gl ironicm8
gl woony :D!
hf Saiko :D
gl inj
gl pete on homo
jumalauta mikko xD aina liittoutuu meit vastaa 8D
hf twizz and yeoj
gl inj and parra <\3
gl saiko*
not inj ;) :D
Noni, mitä mä sanoin!
gl Saiko :p
gl ironic and joey fags :*
You have € 200 on nl sKo. Cancel bet
Possible win: € 294

wel winnen dan fags
The Irony
vittu geeeliii iNj<333
You have € 95 on fi iNj'
You won € 283.1
kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanker match
we failed epicly :(
You have € 50 on iNj'
You won € 149
nice iNj :)
54!|<0 Tw1zZt wheres starplayer meklari
You have € 77 on fi iNj'
You won € 229.46

xD izi 4 iNj