Supreme vs iNtakE.Gaming (5145 views)

ve Rambotnic
us charisma
ca unreal
us Verm
us polar
us Bape
us Thizz
ca hAbo
us heavens
us wokfu
us n1ckK
us Brandon
ca dYNK
ca rockstAr
20.03.10 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Rambotnic (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 14719
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 29


rockstAr win
gl Bape,uNreal..
access denied
League: CB ET Europe 5v5 Ladder

GL teams, sign up for NA ladders too.
gl rockstar !
wheres that from?
Hot Fuzz Ostre Psy, zajebista komedia :P
Good Luck rockstAr yo!
two US teams playing at 20:30?? strange! :(
dYnk got this, gg :D
gl rockstar to ez :):)
GL Supreme
hopefully i can play tonight
*crossing my fingers*

gl to both teams
too many to count
rockstar will hack it up :)))))
i say wokfu wins:P
Thank you for a great game Supreme.

- from iNtakE
intake sucks
habo is mad he didn't win any money by betting on us, he bet on other team LMFAO
You have € 65 on us Supreme]
You lost
i bet on ur mom

Uhh, take these low-minus-beyond-belief NA matches off ETTV please...
someones mad... lol
Yeah bro, the internetz is serious business.
wo as i recall u are low-
never said i was pro
Haha first of all I'm not putting my matches on ETTV second of all I don't come to GTV to watch low- matches.
You have € 80 on us iNtakE.
You won € 85.6

Thank you (:
I swear this azuki girl comments on our matches all the time...
Please do us a favor and stop stalking us, thanks.
You're absolutely right, making a comment on your previous game and this one is considered stalking, you better watch your back broseph.
then stop posting on our match u dumb bitch. and secound if ur on a team i feel sad for that team bcuz ndg didnt even let u start
Azuki, if you consider us low- then why are you bothering leaving comments on our match results?
Why would i need to watch my back in an online game, grow up please
And i also recall you leaving 4 replys in the matches that we ACTUALLY played, which is all of them :)
Haha somebody doesn't have a sense of humor here, anyway, I've only made one reply on the other match and I'm only replying to these funny flames here for giggles, so don't get your boxers all in a twist.