noBra!n vs SSX-NETTEAM pro squad (5119 views)

de Aggro
de Amen
de Raysar
cz Darius
cz Dragon
cz Kamend
23.03.10 19:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: deactivated#101 (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 6191
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 42


gl aggro

no gl to sunny und bio weil sie denken sie sind die besten und können aggro und mich im 2o2 schlagen, hehe!!!
gl hoši :)
xD GL nB
gl nB!
Well played tonight! Would you like to play another one against our lineup? : )) (not searching excuses, just didn't have our lineup today)
oops sorry just read, sure, you can challenge us any time but better speak with us first in irc ( as we have a lot of matches in cb ladder wintercup 3on3 and now esl too^^
it's KamenD, no Kamend pls :-)) Thx
GL and HF
gl ssx! :)
gl hoši :)
Jste elita naseho klanu, tak do nich ;)
Np 4 nB
gl nB!
Jedu driv z prace abych vas videl tak je koukejte naklepnout.. :) Drago-Darius-Kamend.. gl SxNt!
gl prdlavky ale asi budou jeste lepsi
hf sunny . aggro
jj ale nedame jim to zadarmo!
suuuuuunnnnnnyyyyyy <33333
plaaaaaayyymmmmmate <333333
gl darius :)
gl hosi ! :)
good luck Darius!
gl schätzeleins
Gl chlapci jednou to nevyslo ,po druhý uz to dáte:-)
gl aggro ;)
GL#HF SxnT Darrius Dragon AND KamenD
linup changed :X
sxnt vyhraje nemci pojedou dom z nasupem
gg deli war nicht gut
You have € 100 on de nB|
You won € 131

puh ich verhau sunny&bio fürs nicht da sein :D

but gg nice opponents
You have € 208 on nB|
You won € 272.48

Rettung in NOT :)
gell aggro :P
501 ftw
izi bash for 501 :)

wir kommen zurück First EuropeanComp
Sehr unterhaltsames ETTV Match. Muss ich sagen <3 :D

Ich danke folgenden Usern für die schöne Zeit <3:

- Babe
- Silent
- bksm
- lolzing
- Random NoName1
- Random NoName2
- Random NoName3
- Random NoName4
- Random NoName5

gg aggro du geile sau!
Den hätte ich fast vergessen genau!
Škoda :/