Sleeperz vs Vicious and Evil (6342 views)

rs Lazio
gb griim
no Eirik
hr suVi
fi twidi
fi Lettu
fi Iron
fi kapaa
fi Reikkeri
fi chmpp
22.03.10 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #evu.cup
Manager: Homer_ (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 46585
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 150


Don't let me down chmpp
aaaww!! v&e back ;]
go sleeperz.. gonna be a hard nut to crack :D

tip: if you play delivery, twidi will be office
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
hey fuckface, the joke got old 25 years ago!

gl pojjaat, etenki kapa : )
gl chmpp Iron
in the bag suVi
Eirik = online only! You can do it! ;D
gl dave and eirik >:PPP
gl griim reaper, deliver
izi for lettu
GL twidi, lettu, iron, reikkeri, chmpp

FU kapaa because you didnt answer to me when I need you :/
grush against vae... nneeeuuuu
np 10k+ dmg for Eirik ;]
go go eirik.
eirik :) lazio :) twidi :) sleeperz will rape :)
GL twidi, lettu, iron, reikkeri, chmpp

FU kapaa because you didnt answer to me when I need you :/
GL Sleeperz !!
gl fintards. twidi will roLL
gl, lacijo
ez bash for the fins!
gtv quality server incoming :PPPPP
4:2 vae gg.
You have € 6119 on dk zZz
Possible win: € 17928.67

You have € 293 on eu vae
You won € 445.36

Sure admire your teamwork vae!

to be honest I was expecting us to get absolutely rolled here based on the few praccs we've played.. but I guess the idea of getting raged on ETTV gave us the motivation boost we needed :D
You played well but we're ballz
I expected you to lose aswell after the prac u played vs us

either way you played shit in that or we played really well, or just both