In7-eSports Fanatics vs iNmotion (4993 views)

pl nORAs
pl Tedziu
pl Pius
pl th0rdis
pl 45
pl sin
de wsk
ee infi
gb theezakje
de cutty
nl Xo

CB Winter Cup 5v5 - Semi Finals Third league
28.03.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 WinterCup 2010
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: piuskoxd (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 10234
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


izi for fantastics
Total Pot: € 2

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widze ze nie tylko u mnie bieda
gl inmotion
needs ruoska here :( <3
GL tedziu & pius Rozpierdolcie
iNmotion will deliver
your flag is shockin
gl inmotion don't lose to low+
izi fanatics we pwned them on pracc...
wow, i'd say you should now definately add that to your achievements. Now that i actually remembered what team you played for, you pwned us in prac? :D u got destroyed on bremen, and we hadn't even played bremen - says enough bout your team.
u can challenge us np..
why would i wanna play against retarded people, no thanks.
it's ET, you don't have a choice :)
don't talk to infi - he is above you
just lolled
mystic meg?
gl inm
iNmotion will deliver
iNm will probably fail cose i they made me go backup..
nice english cupper hehe
GL th0rdis :)
gl theezakje<33333333333333333333333333
(theezakje wil pwn eazy)
gl fntx !
gl lads
gl inmotion!
gl inmotion
thanks for leaving me outta the lu
Easy for In7
once again u was wrong
gratz inm :(
to nie to samo co idem :<
gz iNm
4-0 iNm
well played
gl in final
wp guys nice opponant, gl in future cups
motherfucking teabag :D
how did you lot lose in7!?
if were that bad its an easy final for you
its not that your bad, its that there kinda good
in7 are probably good, but lets face it, inmotion rick rolled them all over the map. Watching it on ETTV from in7 perspective was embarrasing. Couldn't kill 1v3, couldn't heal (bless them) and kept jumping onto mines that were always in the same place. The brains of niggers some may say.
killing 1v3 is quite hard. supply was really close, some personal mistakes decided about losing.
we got rolled on goldrush, everybody was angry after losing supply, was total ffa. Well, probably was causing by playing without nORAs (:*) . They had great spawntime, good tacs and we were nervous after first 5 minutes without constructing tank.
wp anyways :)
they were missing their keyplayer nORAs.
surprise sex