vs baserace winners (9776 views)

kutsch(MUUMUUMUM) cheated
27.03.10 23:15 CET
Status: | Cancelled | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | Miscellaneous | |
Hosting: | | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Baserace | |
On Demand | ![]() |
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![]() By: kURS (ettvd) | |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 48
Viewer Peak: 48

We aren't cheating :(( why so many haters :((
yes so i call you nerds
meNtal(arab) or meNtal(turk) ?
racist ..
racist ..
racist ..
Keep it up. :)
Keep it up. :)
hahahaaah u iz very funny friend :)))))
try retard ;o
BASE 1.79 3.44 brw You have 1500 on BASE
Possible win: 2552.6
Possible win: 2552.6
4v7 np for xAe!!!!!!!!
gl xAee & phyZIC
Edit Line Up : Killerboy (MG)
lold gl !
gl xAe
thx ! :D
gl with it
bcw = etBot tutorial
Killerboy = How to start ET for beginners
said the guy getting players from the CB Banlist :PpppPpPPp
24/7 refresh, nerd.
You have 20981 on eu brw Cancel bet
Possible win: 27485.11
i will rock your asses !
Possible win: 27485.11
i will rock your asses !
You have 268 on eu BASE Cancel bet
Possible win: 1543.68
Possible win: 1543.68
if raul plays panzer izi bash for #baserace :D
You have 20 on eu BASE Cancel bet
Possible win: 119.4
Possible win: 119.4
why? :(
[22:54:36] [mental] lineup: mental, stRay, Eriiic, boNg, phyZic, heya, Hugo, kutSch, xAeee, monkey
not playing that scum
not playing that scum
lal :D
XDDDD noob , you'll loose that's why u are so scared :D
only 3 cheaters, whats your prob?
yea put everyone in bold
freeze would iziz bash them alone^^
no stray freeze is clean, and we are cheating!
no you are a nerd,but these people are cheating Eriiic, boNg, phyZic, heya, Hugo, kutSch, xAeee, monkey
thats what i heard so far
thats what i heard so far
xAe is the only one who's clean in that list
nearly, imo its: mental, stRay, Eriiic, boNg, phyZic, heya, Hugo, kutSch, xAeee, monkey
kutsch heya und hugo waren die einzigen
The first match which would be worth to spec, and they are scared
bets cancelled why?
Killerboy is scared
Killerboy is scared
Killerboy is scared
Killerboy is scared
Killerboy is scared
Killerboy is scared
killerboy is naked
probably - Killerboy is scared
Killerboy was banned
[00:16] <[CB]Killerboy> You are on the banned list.
[00:16] <suVi`> yes u are getting unabnned
[00:16] <[CB]Killerboy> You are on the banned list.
[00:16] <suVi`> yes u are getting unabnned
Killerboy is scared
Killerboy is scared
ok we concluded their bots can't hit
frEEze's hitboxes for some reason

that was the old version, v2.6 . But somehow they cracked the etbot v3.0 . dno , fuckedup shit :S
OK LET S PALAY !!!! :) thx finally ...
Gl xAeee own les tous :D et laisse killerboy refaire une movie de toi ;P
if you said something against me:
fdp + tg
fdp + tg
aha :D np
oh... You dont seem so sure of yourself @ CiC7
"you were not so arrogant @ cic7"
internet = serious business
he was, almost every1 was willing to back him up. Nerd
How can u say nerd to him? You are the nerd here... Not only going to LANs you are a midget aswell.
and you are?
hf mental :3
stray nennt andere nolifer :3 ironie neger ironie
stray nennt andere nolifer :3 ironie neger ironie
finally someone noticed :DDDDDDDD
needs more wodka
someone take the trash out
only need azur and bcw lu is complete :)=
no darkrider no win
de stray Saturday, 27th March 2010 11:03
macht er nich tvertrau mir .. die jungz sind freitags & smastag nachts immer on :)
Hi Stray...Was gegen Leute die um 18 Uhr zocken haben, aber selbst Nachts zocken. (:
macht er nich tvertrau mir .. die jungz sind freitags & smastag nachts immer on :)
Hi Stray...Was gegen Leute die um 18 Uhr zocken haben, aber selbst Nachts zocken. (:
du bist ja auch noch on
1. ich bin nicht noch on...ich bin wieder on...
2. bin ich DIR gerade DIR dem Mental keine Rechenschaft oder sowas schuldig...
3. Habe ich nicht so wie stray geflamed ja nolifer oha und so die zocken jedes we den ganzen abend blabla...
2. bin ich DIR gerade DIR dem Mental keine Rechenschaft oder sowas schuldig...
3. Habe ich nicht so wie stray geflamed ja nolifer oha und so die zocken jedes we den ganzen abend blabla...
du weist nit was hier gestern abging .. das ist der frund warum ich die nächsten wochenenden die zeit zu hause verbringen werde^^
Hast du dich von 10 niggern in den Arsch rapen lassen (kachelmann style ) und kannst deswegen jetz nicht mehr raus oder was ?
disco hat schon die 14 jaehrigen raus geschmissen?
na dann sag nix über adnere (:
fresse spastie
was willst du cheater jetzt haha? :D
fresse hurensohn
oh predi du 13 jähriges kind ist ok :>
wp hackers :))))
nice acting like retards :_D
killerboy thats not cute :<
izi bash
good try anyway ! Now you can continue bashing low :)
You have 212 on brw
You won 349.8
good try anyway ! Now you can continue bashing low :)
You have 212 on brw
You won 349.8
ofc man gtv too?
can u sent me log?
can u sent me log?
where i find it
empty lol
killerboy read the rules on gtv man -..
u arent allwoed to cancel a match after it got played and so on!
u arent allwoed to cancel a match after it got played and so on!
[01:12:03] [suVi`] cheated + used 3 mercs in same game + left server
[01:12:05] [suVi`] enter 1-0 or cancel
+ when the server kicked me loazis + xeoxis it fucked us up, 0 xp, lost all adrenaline
[01:12:05] [suVi`] enter 1-0 or cancel
+ when the server kicked me loazis + xeoxis it fucked us up, 0 xp, lost all adrenaline
oki u allways chanbged the time used the gravity bug and so on ... is suvi gtv admin? NO he isnt have a nice evening :) <3
[01:17:08] [suVi`] cancel it [CB]Killerboy
[01:19:01] [suVi`] [CB]Killerboy
[01:19:02] [suVi`] cancel it
where are gtv rules btw? and link?
[01:19:02] [suVi`] cancel it
where are gtv rules btw? and link?
you lost @ start already by playing with cheaters, everything else was fooling around :D
me as a very old skooooooooler decided that freeze cheated so cheater in both teams = win for bcw
Stfu. you failed
so who is mumu, haven't seen someone so obvious in quite some time
kutSch or smth like that ^^
btw kutsch his old name was dudi and he was for a few months low :D
magic skillboooooooooooooooooost :D
magic skillboooooooooooooooooost :D
so wie du immer noch low bist seit du angefangen hast :P
predi kannst dich noch an das war bio,sunny,ich gegen daenji,maurice & dich errinnern? :DDD
glaube mehr muss ich nicht sagen h3h3...ich low > du low-
glaube mehr muss ich nicht sagen h3h3...ich low > du low-
lol it was very easy, i could of even stay in spawn, keep on downloading lost, eating pizza and flaming on them :o) gg lowbobs and nonames
hehe :PPP:P:P:P:PPP
too bad, forfeit win ::::::::::::::::OPD
was funney :) have a nice night <3
2 bad i rolled you fags in a serious 10on10 baserace
well done!
well done nerdy cheater (:
You have 1000 on eu BASE
You lost
last money, fuck off really
You lost
last money, fuck off really
Ahaha rolled :DDD :ppp
haha :-D
lmfao suVi got rolled
cant be, Ati_ delivered, and they even egoquitted

Seems like my plan to sponsor 10 guys with etbots so they could beat suvi's team failed.
Next time I'll try myself to roll them on nopb servers.
Next time I'll try myself to roll them on nopb servers.
xD hi bumblebee xD
stop changing the score back, the MUMMUMUMUMU guy was cheating, ask boNg.
boNg can talk alot
seriously, watch the replay, so obvious :D
bong anyway cheating too.
srsly nerd
srsly nerd
Don't think the match should be canclled if the admin loses, but indeed, looking at bcw's lineup makes me sick
You guys can stop this bullshit now or this will be the last broadcasted baserace match on gtv ever.
Buhahaha nerds' pwned, end of their "awesome" streak :D.
guess again
cry cry cry me a river
cry cry cry, end of spreeeeeeeeeeeeeee
loser :-)