colt 45 and two zig Zags vs rockit.ET (16525 views)

gb KaMzZ
hu Nonix
nl Ati_
gb razz
se NuggaN
nl Zak
lv Clown
sk Filus
nl hayaa
nl joop
ESL EMS VI Qualifier #1 - Semi Final

Winner plays frogz or sereNity in Final.
04.04.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Major Series VI Qualifiers
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Jamie (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 101358
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
xx #CubeCast Cast server 8
By: galiathus
Listen to galiathus
Language: German

Total Slots: 200
Listener Peak: 15

Enemy Territory TV
fr #eNergiz TV I
By: kURS (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 237


GL both!
gl NuggaN
Damn this is gonna be a game to watch... GL both teams :)
mais ou es karnaj? il devais remplacer Winghaven
d'ailleurs, j'arrive pas a trouver qui il remplace en lu. FeruS ?
Et pour Wing, j'suis toujours aussi dépité de ne pas le voir sur la scène ET pour ce printemps...
winghaven a pris la place restante chez rockit. Imo karnaj remplace ferus qui a mieux à faire sur css si je n'mamuse :{D

edit: apparament il joue pas cette war
Wing en back up et Joop en line up... Y'a de quoi laisser perplexe :x
Ok pour Karnaj.
where is mAus 0o

gl Ri
gl both<3
izi 4 Ati_ <3.
gl Ati_ and KaMzZ :p
c45 will take it
ri ftw
hf razz & Ati_ :)
gl nuggan razz ati nonix!
gl nonix razz
gl Nounix.
easy for colt45
gl nuggan razz ati nonix!
gl fr Karnaj ohhhhhh wait :o
gL Kamz!
Hf Ati ! :D
gl Ri
Ati <3
doe je ding.
Give us old cic lineup : <
colt45 gb 1.90
2.11 eu ROCKIT
You have € 1000 on gb colt45 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1900
gl Filus
Easy for Kamz
gl colt 45 kamz Chaak de phatte :D
gl zak
izi for colt45 comon mates you can do this
gl razzz
hf zak
gl rockit
ou have € 70 on gb colt45 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 135.1
You have € 55 on gb colt45 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 108.9

GL Colt45.
: D ?
team rockit has changed permanently or its just for this time?i mean, the others have left the team?
Maybe on next lan we'll see a strong lu as CiC 7 lu... Hope so.
Permamently, Clown gathered a new lineup!
You have € 171 on gb colt45 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 350.55

Go Go Colt45
dutchies are taking over rockit, gl hayaa + joopster
gl rocKit
gl Clown
#fap - idle & stay ! :)
rockit will take it:D GL colt45
gl greg m8 :P

omg razz & nuggan :P
no wing no win
gl nuggan
gl razz'n'kamz =P
gl Nuggan gl Kamzz
go joop :D
a forty and some papers
were is a veritable team rokit
Qu'est ce que tu racontes toi?:D
gl clown
kamz obviously
gl KaMzZ
izi for colts (Y)
gl ati_ nonix
gl filus .
easy for Nonix!
Gl Kamz & co.
colt45 1.69 2.45 ROCKIT
no mAus no win no WINGhAVen = win :>
gl Ri
gl kamz - razz - filusko
GL Ati_ NuggaN :)
gl filuS & NuggaN !
hf ati, kamz, zak ! :))
will NuggaN play this time?
great =)
all my money on Colt45
Good luck ;)
cancel your bet, i'm useless on radar! my opinion u did a great job on radar ;)

But in the end rockit was the better team :(
20 op jou hayaa!!!!
where is everyone from ri
no winghaven no maus
wing is playing tonight
nice game :) gl all
who is wing gone be playing (nickname) ?
GL Ati & Clown :)
gl hayaa
who is wing gone be playing (nickname) ?
You have € 105 on gb colt45 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 197.4
GL hawat hayaa & Ati_
douse anyone know if winghaven is going to play and if he is then what nickname ?
gl colt45
Go Zak go:D
GO FOR IT ,=-45
omg Zak omg!
22 on you Zak, dont let me down:D! You have € 22 on eu ROCKIT Cancel bet
Possible win: € 52.14
jala has this np
gl clown
gl rockit
gl colt, np4nuggan x]
2-0 colt
nice game
colt is gonna raaage
u fucking nerd because of u team pl will be removed at nc
have you ever heard about April Fool Joke?
go zak!
ri 4-2
wp nuggan
nuggan aimbot on supply :DDD
Fuck hell yea, sick aim NgN :))
worst game ever by me :<
wp rockit
GG lol. 4-2
nuggaaaaaaaaaaan, my money!!!!

but nice game of u atleast :DDDDDD

You have € 114 on gb colt45
You lost
good game rockit
gg Ri
Incredible match, really nice multifrags! Awesome acc btw hayaa!
You have € 171 on gb colt45
You lost :(
You have € 100 on eu ROCKIT
You won € 230

You have € 13100 on gb colt45
You lost
You won € 50.6
You have € 3638 on eu ROCKIT
You won € 8367.4
You have € 250 on eu ROCKIT
You won € 575
You have € 50 on colt45
You lost
if i had played your money would have been safe .
kamz :(
since when you dont bet money on me anymore!!!???
so expected lol

You have € 50 on eu ROCKIT
You won € 115
colt45 gb 1.77
2.30 eu ROCKIT
You have € 70 on gb colt45
You lost
kamz :(
You have € 100 on ROCKIT
You won € 230
knew this was gonna happen, kamz with his big mohamed mouth sayin im gonna pwn and then suck his own nipples :P
You have € 2000 on eu ROCKIT
You won € 4600
gg panowie