OfkoZz vs newind (3185 views)

no Lunatic
pl iCm
pl GIT
pl sWIFT
pl zApper
fr rizqkaa
be xAee
fr seNthej
fr ussx
fr pleymo
be granit
29.03.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: h-aah-aa (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 985
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
fr Smoot
By: h-aah-aa
Listen to h-aah-aa
Language: polish

Total Slots: 25
Listener Peak: 14

Enemy Territory TV
fr #eNergiz TV I
By: kURS (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


gl & hf
gl ofkozz!!!
GL ofkoZz ;]
izi OfkoZz
gl hf iCm SWIFT ! OfkoZz!! gl newind
gl okfozz
LU: xkl rizqka xAe seNtehj ussx/granit/pleymo
GL OffkoZz!!! :D
dzi el ofkozz
wp (:
newind = WH
whine on! :D
newind xDDDD selfbust in ETTV : DDDD
rizqkaaa wh !
4/0 for newind wp
Abso busted!! xd
Ye now in esl for 2 years:Dnie musisz dziekowac..
bustmovie soon :) SO BB newind :)
yes cool so make it if you want!


guid EA11DFE11662F4C7D7901DF8CA77F7AA1ACA1D2B Hi seNthej aka rizkqaa aka busted : DDDD

loled, rizkqaa aka rizkqaa
seNtehj = seNtehj = 5B9C6EABA6054D76CFBB1BAA61646170749BF304 = thxbbLowwhiner

Maybe you are blind

fr rizqkaa
be xAee
fr seNthej
fr ussx
fr pleymo
be granit
You have € 100 on new
You won € 115

Lol thx for the e-fame I didn't even play plox

e: btw what's the song? very awesome
mecz anulowany - decyzja administracji esl
O KURWA HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA ALE WH MIELI Pierdolic tylko takie haxy jebane haha na supply najlepsze akcje ze nie wyszedl wali aptecki bije sie z nim znowu nie wyszedl i juz bije na lewo xd albo kolo cp nice wh m8
4/0 newind win.... fucking poltard :/