SSX-NETTEAM pro squad vs Three nuts for Cinderella (3372 views)

cz Dragon
cz KamenD
cz Darius
sk Sergant
cz Fundik
cz Alesh
sk Kimi
07.04.10 18:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: KamenD (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 1612
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


GL nuts HF fundas pindas:)))
GL fundik
Izi for Fundik :D

GL though
wanna play for me??? i really suck last days :D
You got still your 'other' weapons like good looking, charm and smartness ;)

rofl... ok, tell that to my gf :D
Tak toto bude pekný zápas fakt! :) SxNt go! go! johohohou! <3
gl fundik ;)
twe :D to bude ostuda :D myslim pro nas :D

and thx to all my admirers :D
toto zalezi hlavne od toho kto bude za sxnt hrat
hf ssx
GL SSX ..$$$
simply : gl to all my mates : DD , anyway, it should be win for u alesh :)))
gl SSX
Dnes nemožem pretože mám narazené zápästie a nemožem hrat tak potom ma niekdo zaskocte ok? Dik...
Did they play this match?
today it was just 4 fun, sxnt had supermerc (honorary member of sxnt)- charlie :)
Toto je 1.April? :D
open bets ?
GL SxNT ;)
gl SxNt
match is rescheduled
open bets...
gl prdlavky <3
open the best, plz
cancel it, since he dont know how to open bets...
not first time...