1stCav eSports Club vs diversus (7836 views)

pl boski
pl errol
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pl Dolar
pl voiler
pl kot
pl Robol^
pl S4rna
pl buzka
pl incognito
31.03.10 23:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XXI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Homer_ (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 48192
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 158


almost like Polish all stars :) gl both Make us proud....
GL $ <3
hf inco and buzka
noto juz izi jest robol<3333333 buzka <33333333 kot<3333333333333333 a gdzie doktor i kurwa chester:[[?
kot pobierze xD
diversus <33333
gl Tomus
1stCav GL <3
You have € 50 on pl diversus Cancel bet
Possible win: € 673
co to za lowy
hf errol
There are too many polish teams at this level, can't bet in all of these matches.
gl buzka gogo diversus
lul diversus : o
izi diversus
no chester + r1co?
gl voiler lowie . :)
kogo specowac sarne czy dolara :<
stare dobre diversus szkoda ze gottiego nie ma i chestera :D
gl diversus, buzka zrob im wejcie smoka.
dobry mecz :D
gl Dolar <3 ! :*
You have € 800 on pl diversus Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1672

izi for diversus omg zobaczycie ...

hf buzka gl kot!
gl voiler
GL robot
gl Cizi ! :)
Dolarka for the win!
gl diversus bet on u :)
gl errol
voiler wasnt banned?
4:0 diversus
crane in 4 min....... sick :D supply in 5.12..... :D
dominator jestes najlepszy :)
was 2-1 for 1stcav when I left ettv
your prediction @ xfire wasnt good !
i blame homer for misleading me :( underrating his team!
3:1 1stCav
wp gg
You have € 60 on pl 1stCav
You won € 94.8
np dolaR
You have € 342 on pl 1stCav
You won € 540.36
podobno robisz wywiad na owned ze mna pinglarzu :!O
nie wiem kim jestes wiec wywiadu nie bedzie
jestem jednym z wiekszych flejmerow gtv wiec powinien byc ze mna wywiad. jezeli nie bedzie to szykuj sie na to ze podczas drogi do szkoly straca sie moi snajperzy
newschool>oldschool .. ?
active > plaing once a week
"active" :D
more active than diversus!
hm, the point is that i wouldnt call them active, i would call them hyperactive! as far as i know they play whole evenings every day!!! ;D
money talks!
Looks like lukey is really hating us :-)
bo go wyrzuciliscie kiedy zasłaniał Swoje libacje alkoholowe problemami z netem!
if do you think 3 days per week is "they play whole evenings every day!!! ;D" then you are wrong : )
dunno, somebody told me that, but i really doubt you play 3days per week
I am curious why do you care so much how often we play? Btw who is that mysterious person? :p
Do I care? Did I even ask you about how often do you play? I'm just stating the facts.
No, not us but surely that person who told you that lie. Guess if you don't care about that then you would have no idea how often we play.
believe lukey! he knows everything!
"emeryci" sprawili im problemy :DDDD gg ;p ;D cos ty robol lowbie zrobil ;p
robol^ !