Babbar Khalsa vs Supreme (4580 views)

ca SingH
si Bukkake
de Riot
tw Lemo
br sAbian
es jAvi
mt raven
ca dYNK
ve Rambotnic
ca uNreal
us verm
us bape
us charisma
us ThizZ
us Polar
04.04.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: SingH (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3048
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


gl superior m8 <3
vamos rambo
gl bk
supreme FTW!!!!
gl bK
paki united?
gl bk
gl bK !!! KaMZ <3
gl polar verm bape thizz
gl Rambotnic, hf guys :D
blu still plays for bk ?
You have € 20 on ca bK^ Cancel bet
Possible win: € 31.6
Raven likes men :)

I smell hAx.
me hAx..yes

i smell u kid
sabian is bad!
U SUCK ... nigga plz
GL Supreme.. Rambo <3
GL BK team .
GL Rambo !
gl verm
no dedz..... just no
gl bk
gl polar and verm
gl bK
lemo cant play srry
gl charisma,unreal,bape ...
uNholy. ;)
gl verm
is superior still playing?

team supreme aka team richie
gg supreme, won me 85 euros!
You have € 50 on ca bK^
You lost

wtf dYNK :/
i had € 50 on SUPREME winning, yes

dYNK played well but couldn't carry the team
hmm i though its 3-1?

deli 1-1
supply 2-0 for supreme]

so that's 3-1?

but w/e wp