Relax Multigaming by vs oXimize (3666 views)

pl Voodoo
pl SnaCki
pl fAtal
pl zerohour
pl Rafacz
pl dbC
pl koosik
pl btw.
pl light
pl Urnnamu
01.04.10 23:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Voodoo<3 (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 16076
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 35


gl rafal
You have € 70 on pl oXimize
Possible win: € 2511.6

np 4 oXimize
You have € 10 on pl oXimize
Possible win: € 358.8

shit ettv :'( wrong number lulululu
ec skill
gg panowie ego high med skill
hahahah, rx porazka GG oximize
It's like the whole team cheats :D
skajroket cioty ;_DDDDDDDDD turkiego nie ma to gowno gracie cwele
ps zerohour, uzyj mozgu czasami
prawda, tylu desek na full dawno nie widzialem ;s
zaskoczenie jak sam chuj
You have € 100 on pl oXimize
You won € 3588
light - roox (czyt. ban w cb)

gratulacje haxy ;)
Quote by mt Killerboy Thursday, 1st April 2010 19:02wtf is this scum doing in my ladder

we'd like to keep the CB Ladder clean, so if you want to use busted players and/or cheat, play on ESL ladders, thanks.
ESL should respect CB ban also. So no ladders for this players.
True, but they are very slow, unless somebody reports them they won't do anything, and roOx is probably not even banned on ESL...
I remember him like 1 year ago, nice high voice:D almost like my gf. So it's w/o for RX due busted players using in match?
yes and wouldn't be surprised if some of the cheated aswell.
april fools?
it's not allowed to hax on april fools :S
too bad, that you do not have balls to keep EC and OC clean.
i was going to ask "are you retarded?" but i don't need an answer to that.
mwahaha expected answer :DDD even you dont have any arguments. If you want keep the ladder clean, first start to treat all equally.
you don't know the difference between a busted cheater and an ex-cheater?
i know :) but you talked about roox (who was busted) but you forgot about fatal (who played or still playing with bimbot or other shit) and zerohour aka onlineonly =)
Another example: Motif, who was busted billion times for public cheats and he's still allowed to play in CB. If you put the forfeit win for Relax, you should also change the final results of the team (nl Dream), which plays Motif.
Motif was busted twice for cheating in public and he served a total of 2 years cb ban, while roOx cheated 3 times atleast and made 2/3 new accounts, eventhough he told me "i cheated cos of real life, im not gonna play ET anymore bb :)"
hahahahahahah brawo oximize kociaki :********************* btw koosik rumun db c <3

porazka rx porazka wstyd dla gamingu
hahaha kurwa ego quit co za kurwaz zjeby kurwa gwiadeczki from zero to hero
a po co grac reszte przeciwko haxom ?
przeciwko komu ? ja pierdole czlowieku ogranij sie ktos was zbije juz haxy gwiazdkeczki, ktore lana wygraly max med o0
a jak bylo z delvix jebana gnido?
nie martw sie oni juz nie dlugo beda banned. :)
chuj mnie to obchodzi
"przeciwko komu ? ja pierdole czlowieku ogranij sie ktos was zbije juz haxy gwiazdkeczki, ktore lana wygraly max med o0"
jebie mnie czy wygrales czy nie, ale nie bede gral do konca jesli mi jebiesz nejdy na ryj mimo ze czekamy i kampimy ile wlezie, a gwiazdeczki to sobie mozesz mowic na kogos innego bo nas akurat nikt nie lubi, nie ma komu gwiazdorzyc bezmozgu
jakie wo akceptowac mecz flety ;]
snacki fajne dostaliscie tornistry odblaskowe za wygranie lana -_-
20:42… RelaX`SnaCki: 5on5 med+/high now
nie wydaje mi sie bo grali rownie dobrze
relax chcecie offi 5v5 bo przydaloby sie nam kilkanascie punktow?
na mircu jestes milszy
bezskilla 0:15:43
dawaj na gamestv napsizemy
bezskilla 0:15:44
Ja 0:15:54
no ale co napiszemy? :D
bezskilla 0:16:01
relax chcecie offi 5v5 bo przydaloby si nam kilkanascie punktow xDD:
relax chcecie moze offi 5v5 bo potrzebujemy kilkunastu punktow jeszcze a na was mozemy zyskac troszke :)? jak nie potraficie z low wygrac ktorzy mnie oskarzali o aima to juz zenada :D
Boze przeciez my ich zbilismy na pierwszym pracu od 3 miesiecy a biedne skyrokets sie poplakalo i od haxow wyzywa :(
bylo 2:2 wiecej orzechow wloskich na pamiec.
chcielismy decider ale uciekliscie przed hottim :(
no ale zbiliscie nas tak wiemy.
cicho roox rozpierdalatorze madafaka ;D aka " na ulicy nie bedziesz taki cwaniak" xD
You have € 484 on pl RelaX
Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed.

:D nice one
komus urwalo?
hahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahah zamknij sie bo pekam hahahahah
btw <333
wtf i have 50 on oximnize and where my money fuck u
Light aka roox przydaloby sie zmienic nr gg chociaz jak zmieniasz nicka bo ze starego nr gg napisales do sprajta eh co za czlowiek jebany bez mozg